Part 2: The Weak Omega

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Black as the night, draped the King of Gusu as he discreetly wandered on his territory.

The last 10 years were uneventful and repetitious. He has power that can be compared to a God but he couldn't practice his skills and yield his sword again as no one dares to come across his bad side and raise a fight only to lose from him.

Bored inside the confinement of his castle, he dawdle and roam at the slums of every Kingdom each night. Finding small disputes to settle and rescue the poor betas and omegas who are still considered dirty and low in the recent era.

Wangji growled inside him, his blue smoke emerging from Yibo's body as he sensed danger looming somewhere near.

A few steps lead them into the os of a dark alleyway where he met a rabble of youths hovering a weak omega. "H-help..." The poor soul whimpered as he was devoured by the men. One latched a bite on his collarbone, followed by his piercing cry. Few inches of mistake could have subjected him into mating with the wrong one. If he had been marked at the back of his nape, he will forever be under that rascal's mercy. "N-No more...please...s-stop" The mellow voice pleaded, followed by his release of pheromones of fear which only triggered the assaulters to ravage him with no end.

Unlucky for them, once the scent reached the King's nostrils, an automatic surge of domineering pheromones radiated from him. The rascals kneeled and hugged their shivering body in shock.

The same pheromones did the same to the weak omega who slid from the wall to the floor helplessly. He could feel the power from the man in the shadows and his whole body trembled in enormous fear. He bowed to the ground, feeling the superiority of his power.

Blue light beamed for a second and it was dark again.

"Rise." The man's deep voice commanded and the omega shuddered in fright, screaming his lungs out when he saw the abscised limbs of his perpetrators and their dead bodies stacked on his side.

Blood was everywhere. His clothes were stained, so were his quivering hands. Tears ran down his face as he shook his head away in disbelief. The sight was too gruesome and gory but the man towering before him seemed unfazed by it.

Blue smoke emerged from his body and a slight smell of Sandalwood touched the omegas' senses, calming his racing heart and putting him into a lullaby.

"Sleep." The voice commanded again, and he couldn't fight the urge to close his eyes.

Before he lose his consciousness, he saw a pair of amber eyes staring at him coldly and an ethereal face which even Gods would envy.

'My Lord.' He muttered as his body swayed and slumped back.


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