Flashback | (y/n)'s Past | Part 3

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(y/n)'s POV 

He drags me by the roots of my bangs. Away. Away, towards the dark room at the end of the corridor. 

All I can do is bite my lips together and adjust the position of my body against the floor so that my whole body weight isn't being hoisted by the roots of my hair and so that I don't get splinters from the friction between my knees and the old wooden flooring. 

"You..." my father grits his teeth. He stomps down the corridor with my hair in his iron fist in silence. 

Suddenly he lashes out at my. "YOU!" he screams me. Thrashing me by the head against the wall. "YOU. Not only did you manage to steal spotlight from my baby girl. You caused a stupid commotion and DISGRACED ME. You should have looked at the faces of the others when they saw you're p a t h e t i c sight." 

I shiver. I felt the stares. Like daggers and knives. Judging. Snickering. Rumoring. 

"Now even the head of the Gojo Family looks down upon me." 

"So...." he breathes heavily and then points at it. 

There awaits a steel door, littered with iron bolts. A chain lock dangles from the frame. The door is clearly centuries old with the edges darkened with black rust and grime. 

The torture room of the Kagami Family. 

A place for failures like me. 

"please..." I whimper.

"Don't beg. You deserve this." he says coldly. 

With one swift movement he grabs me by the upper arm and yanks it from the roots of my shoulder, hoisting my collapsed body back into a standing position. Then he flings me into the damp, cold room and slams the door shut with a loud clang. 

I hear the chain lock jingle against the metal and then three bolts lock into place. 

Immediately I hear inaudible whispers. I grab my ears furiously and shut my eyes, trying to muffle the sound. But the whispers are going directly into my head, piercing like knives prying my skull open. Like the chanting in the temple, the whispers echo violently within my skull. 

I open my mouth to gasp for long needed air but the quick action is followed by an immense, stinging pain in my temples. 

No no no no no. OUCH OUCH. OUCH!!

I cry, I scream but the pain doesn't go away. I can't even hear my own voice. 

I drop onto the moist stone floor, inside of puddle of murky odorless water. 

 This is my fourth time in this room...

One time my stepmother threw me in here for fun.

The second time, Chiyo blamed me for breaking an expensive vase when I didn't do it. 

The third time, my father was drunk and he found me trying to salvage food in the kitchen when I was starving. 

Now this. 

As I open my eyes, a dark room sways before me. 

Why did the pain go away? 

I see gradually. Faces. Or so I think before the smoky shadows face into the deep depths of the paralell mirrors. 

The I feel it.

Two hands on my shoulders and a low dull, melodic whisper. 

"Child."  A beautiful woman's voice. 

An inaudible scream escapes my lips as shallow breath. 

As I turn around a terrifying woman stares down at me. 

With pitch black skin, sharp nails, six arms, and a paper talisman plastered on her face. 

White silky hair that drapes down onto the damp floor. 

"Child?" She murmurs softly, again in a more questioning tone. 

My quivering body doesn't move. I can't move. I cannot properly describe the muddy fear that churns in the pit of my stomach. 

The scary lady keeps on looking at me. But she doesn't have a face!! The talisman with the eye symbol is the only facial feature-like shape but it is an eerie drawing - the color of blood. 

"Are you afraid of me?" she asks. 

Slowly. Very slowly I nod my head in honesty. 

"No need to be." She says. 

I don't know whether to trust her. 

"I won't hurt you." she says. 

Two of her hands suddenly cup my cheeks. 

"You've been hurt... They are hurting you. Your father. Your stepmother. Your stepsister. Nobody takes your side. The servants the maids." she continues. 

I freeze. "How.... how do you know?" I manage to say, my fear slowly subsiding. 

"I've been watching you.

The hand in the mirror. Waving at me... the eerie image. 

"Was that you?" my voice sounds immensely weak and terrified. 

"Y e s." she says. 

"For how long?" I ask. 

She remains quiet for a moment. "Since the moment you were born, child."

I can't move. 
The constant sensation of being watched in this household. The eyes, the invisible tickling of another's vision. 

"Why- couldn't I see you before?" 

"You're cursed energy. The curse around your neck." 

I bring my hands to my neck, feeling the smooth surface. She points towards the mirror and then I see it. 

A band of swirls around my neck, like a smooth tattoo. A deep blue color pulses like a heartbeat. 

"Your mother feared your father. So she cursed you to be curseless. But, child, you are much more than your mother ever anticipated and much much more than your father could ever imagine." 

"What do you mean?"

"Child. I can undo your curse, and make you the greatest in this world." 

"What do you mean?" I ask again. 

"You are powerful child. The century old Kagami bloodline has flourished in your body."

"They say that I'm the last of the bloodline like it's a bad thing..."

"Hahaha. It's jealousy darling. You are special. You can shred those who have made you suffer into pieces. You can kill them. Doesn't that sound amazing?" 

I'm lost for words. Do I hate my family? Do I hate my father, so much that I'd kill him?

 I'd wish he love me... just like Chiyo. 

"I don't know." I say solemnly. 

"You puzzle me..." 

I decide to speak up. "What's your name?" 

"My name?" 


"My name is Shiki. "

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