Flashback | (y/n)'s past Part 5

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*It's been a while but... decided to pick this up kekeke(~ ̄▽ ̄)~*



I didn't know how many years later it was...  I could go out again under the supervision of my father. He would hold my wrist with an iron grip and stare at me with burning eyes. It was to find me a rich husband from an honorable household. 

My father told countless suitors that I was sixteen when I was in fact seventeen, turning eighteen in a few months. It's not like I didn't understand why he made up such lies. I was in fact, smaller and more youthful looking. But I never dared ask my father the reason, because I knew.

"I see... she's younger than my son," my old wrinkly suitor would say.

"Is there an issue?" My father would coyly reply.

"Well she is a lovely one... but she's cursed is she not?"

"That is-" his grip on my shoulder would tighten. His nails would dig into my shoulder and I would feel his wrath.

"It's just a rumor that I'd heard a while ago when attending a banquet that the Zenin family hosted... apparently she's got a nasty curse that's been sealed within her?"

"It is merely a rumor, it is true that the Zenin family assisted us, but her curse has been fully exorcised. So, Uhm, how much would her value be?" my father would clasp his hands together enthusiastically as my suitor would sink back and look at me warily as I sat there with a forced smile on my face.

"If you're talking money, I'd take her for free of course. What if I have to deal with the nasty thing she brings into my household?"

"She brings nothing of such!!"

"Ah lies, she's already so eerie. Just one look at her sends me the creeps. No thank you."

I felt my lips quiver, in the slightest amount of joy that I could muster at this age. This was what always saved me from being sold off. When we arrive back at our manor, my father would slap me in the face and kick me in the stomach as I rolled onto the floor and huddled into a ball to protect myself.

It was the same thing over and over again. Meet a suitor for marriage. Negotiate a price. Too low. Father gets angry. The suitor doesn't want me at all.  I get beat by my father. Repeat.

It was around seven suitors that my father began to panic that there would be no one to take me. Some of the businesses that he invested in were failing. He would take out all of his anger on me, and even my stepmother and stepsister. He would always shower them with gifts in an effort to apologize. But for me... he would shut me into a dark, unlit room for hours until he needed me again.

He would drink, rage, come to find me, bash me for being the root of all his problems, sleep, and then come back the next morning to have me cleaned up and dressed for the next meeting he needed me to be at. Repeat.

At this point, hell seemed better than life.

The Gojo family announced their banquet. There was a specific request that all of the family heirs go, even hidden siblings. Everyone would go. If only my father hadn't been dragging me around to meet with suitors, then he could have managed to go with just his wife and Chiyo. But people knew about me, and they wanted to see me.

I faintly remembered going to a party years ago. But I could not remember anything else except the hours in the torture room after I did something terrible at the party to embarrass my father. The first time I met Shiki. It was so long ago and my memory was hazy. I had met someone... and then something happened.

My father grabbed me by the neck and shook me vigorously. "You will act accordingly do you understand."

I nodded, quietly trying to breathe.

"If you disobey me or even disgrace me a little bit, I will inflict so much pain that you'd wish for death."

I nodded again. What else could I do? Say that I already wished for death? That any kind of punishment that I received didn't hurt as much anymore?

Everything was a blur until the party. My father gave me three days to master a party trick that I probably wouldn't even use, he ordered a splendid new kimono for everyone and had me scrubbed so much that my skin became naturally rosy rouge.

Then the fateful day came.

Each family would enter the hall upon announcement.

My father went first hand in hand with my stepmother. Chiyo was behind them and I was behind Chiyo. Whispers and murmurs began to fly in the air as we joined. My keen sense of hearing - trained from listening to my father's footsteps approaching from across the house - picked up on their words.

How could he bring his wife and child who don't even possess cursed energy?! So shameless.

Look at those lowly humans dressed like peacocks in the center of our Jujutsu society. Learn some decorum, my goodnesses.

Apparently, the young girl can see curses though.

Does that even matter? I'm more interested in the other one. She's the one who holds the real Kagami bloodline, real cursed energy and anything.

What a pity that her father took over everything.

I heard he abuses the Kagami daughter.

Oh my, haven't you heard? He's trying to sell her for a high price.

I've heard a rumor that the child's got a nasty curse on her and that's why nobody wants her.

Oh dear... can't she control her curse somehow?

Oh no, it's an ancient curse. Ugly as it can get.

Shhhh, they'll hear.

I wasn't surprised to hear all the ill rumors about my family or myself. I could feel the a painted target stain my back as sniggers erupted in the air.

My father held his head up high, but I could see his fingers curling into his palm creating deep crescents in his skin.

We walked straight towards the host of the party. I kept my head down, remembering the old man back when I was nine. The head of the Gojo family was a tall lean man, his hair white, his eyes dull and lifeless. 

"Raise your heads," it was a younger voice than I had expected. His voice was deep but there was a youthful 

I looked up and froze. 

Eyes of bright luminescent skies blooming from blossoms of long white eyelashes met mine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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