Flashback | (y/n)'s Past | Part 4

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My name is Shiki. The sound of her voice was like a melodic whisper, but it was loud and painful inside my head. The trickling sound of water droplets splashing down into the puddles below after hundreds of years rings eerily loud in the enclosed room. Is it water? I am not sure, as the same pungent metallic tang of familiar blood filled my nose, and suffocated me. 

"Are you going to help me?" I ask slowly, my voice shook violently, and my breath caught up in my throat. I almost choked on the dry spit that was rising from my stomach. 

Shiki hummed quietly. I could hear her moving on the ceiling, the faint noise of heavy cloth brushing against a rough surface and scratching nails. I was scared. I thought I could die. 

I thought of Satoru. His bright sky blue eyes that shimmered more radiantly than the sky itself brought me temporary comfort. Having him in my mind lets me calm my nerves however so slightly. The only person who's been kind to me since my mother's passing. I felt my heart pounding ever so slightly at the thought of him, if this was love then so be it. 

I can help you... if you help me. Shiki's voice filled my brain again, ringing against my ears in a snake-like hiss. It echoed and echoed, as I felt the waves of sound vibrating in the bones of my body. My world shook, my reflection in the dark puddle became distorted. 

I managed in a whimper, "How can I do that? I'm weak..." 

Your blood. The sound continued to reverberate in my head. I clutched my ears fiercely to stop the sound from entering my head. It was beginning to give me nausea. My blood? Is that all she wanted? 

"I'll do it," I said. I didn't care if I died, I just wanted to escape from the dark and cold room. My fingertips itched with the adrenaline pumping through my blood, I would have a way out. 

I heard a soft clinking noise of sharp glass. My attention shifted towards the direction where the sound came from. In the darkness, I could vaguely see Shiki's pale bony hand. Her thin index finger nudged something on the floor that gave off another tiny but unmistakable sound. I could use it. Crawling on my already scraped and bloody knees, I reached for the glass shard, picking it up. How do I cut myself? 

Slicing my left palm with the glass sharp, I felt the edge abrade my skin, but in the darkness where I could not distinguish a sharp stone from a blunt one, I did not bleed. Gritting my teeth in annoyance, and changed the angle of the shard in my right hand, swung it up in the air, and drove the pointed edge into my palm. 

Blood spurted out of one of my large arteries like a fountain. "I did it!!" I called out to Shiki. 

She dropped down onto the floor, I was still scared, but it did not matter, gripping my bleeding hand she brought it close to her face. Peering at the cut and the blood that dripped down my arm, suddenly a sideways slit appeared on her face and a huge mouth that extended to the edge of her jaws opened like a box. Then it engulfed my hand, I felt sharp teeth drive into my hand and I screamed. 

The last thing I remember is the soft embrace that she put me before my vision became pitch black and I could hear no more. 





I woke up to the sound of the metal door unlocking. I was sprawled on the stone floor, with my face half-buried in the puddle, which I realized was a mixture of blood and vomit. I had no time to react before my father yanked me up by my arm and threw me into the hands of several faceless maids. The white cloth that covered their faces was not enough for me to ignore the disgust that probably lined their expressions.  

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