one • you and i

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"How do I look?" Anthony asked his bandmates.

"Wow, you look great." Thomas said.

"Yeah, man. You clean up really well." Colton said.

"You're not lying to me are, you?" Anthony asked.

His bandmates glared at him. "Dude, you look fine." Joey tells him.

"Are you sure? Maybe I should go change-"

"Can you stop freaking out?" Thomas says.

"You look fine. Eric's gonna love you, no matter what you're wearing." Colton says. Anthony smiles.

"So, are you nervous about your date with Eric?" Joey said.

"I mean, kinda. We're so used to hanging out as friends, it feels weird that we're going out on a date."

"What are you worried about?"

"What if Eric doesn't like me? What if I ruin our friendship-"

"Oh my god, are you kidding me? Dude, he's been trying to ask you out for months!" Thomas said.

"Eric really likes you... he's probably more nervous than you." Anthony laughed.

"Are we ever going to talk about this or are we just going to keep screaming at each other?" Eric asks.

Silence. The one thing that Eric absolutely hates when it came to him and Anthony having serious conversations like this one. Anthony avoids making eye contact because he knows that he's hesitant to answer and wants to avoid this topic altogether. They had arguments here and there, but it honestly was nothing like this.

"Why does it matter? It's not that big of a deal."

"Okay, did I do something or is this something I have to get used to?"

"Can you leave me alone?" Anthony said as he's walking away from Eric.

"Why are you acting like this? Why can't you talk to me?" Eric said, as he's walking after Anthony, stopping in the middle of the room.
There's a silence that falls between the both of them. Eric sighed, before speaking up.

"Why do you keep bringing this up?! This happened months ago!"

"We've been arguing non-stop while we were on tour-"

"Well, whose fault is that? God, you're so selfish!"

"Selfish?!" Eric yelled back, "Do you understand how hard I've tried to make this work?! Do you know how hard it was for me to not spend time with you?"

"Obviously you didn't try hard enough!"

"I'm trying hard, and I mean, very hard not to be mad at you. I don't want to fight with you, but you're not making this any easier for me!"

"If that's how you feel, then maybe we should break up!" Anthony snapped, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Is that what you want?" Eric asked him. Anthony can't even look at him in the eye.

Eric's mouth hung open sadly. He scrunches up his face and starts shaking his head, slowly starting to walk away. He stops in the middle of the room, contemplating his decision before slamming the door on the way out, leaving Anthony all alone.

Little did they know, Joey, Thomas, and Colton were hearing this on the other side of the wall. Anthony turns around, seeing the rest of of the his bandmates standing there. The first thing they want to do is to check to see if Anthony's okay; not because they have to, but because that's the type of friends they are. They've always had each other's back no matter what happened. They know it's not definitely a good time.

Anthony turns back to look at the guys, all standing there with worried eyes. He stares at them.

"Are you okay?" Colton asked him. He doesn't even bother to answer the question. He just wanted to be alone. The guys all stared at each other, they'd figured that this wasn't a good idea for them to stay longer. Joey said to them as he motions them to leave. Thomas walks out, giving Anthony a small smile, as he walks out of their apartment with Colton and Joey.

After they left, Anthony felt very numb. He had all of this pain and heartbreak that he was bearing deep inside; he was throwing stuff against the wall, letting pieces of glass from the picture frame fall to the floor, screaming very loudly until his throat started to hurt.
"That was fun. We should do this again sometime." Anthony said to Eric.

"I'm glad you had a good time." Anthony gave him a smile.

"Eric-" Anthony gets cut off with Eric's lips on his, and when he pulls away, all Anthony could do was just stare at him.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." Eric said with a smile on his face.

Anthony smiled back, "I love you."

Eric's smile started to get bigger as he heard those words coming out of Anthony's mouth, "I love you too, Anthony."

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