Chapter 2

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 I move away from Gilbert and move towards the back of the train, and placed my book behind me as I make sure I did not leave anything behind. I couldn't help but notice Gilbert look at me throughout the train journey. Who was he? Wil I ever see him again? The train pulls to a stop, i rush out of the doors, as my body fills with excitement, I wonder who my new parents will be?I come to a stand still as I need to grab my book and that is when I realize, I left it on the damn train. My heart flutters when I realize that Gilbert Blythe my have my book, my smile drops when I realize I probably will never see him again. 

 All of your thoughts were pushed out of your head as a young man came towards you in a carriage, "Mrs Taylor" He asks with a heart warming smile. "That's me?" You said cautiously."I'm Milo, I am one of the people who work for your parents," he states'What?!!''Why would they need workers ''How rich are they?' 

 He gives you a confused look, then continued to give you a letter in someone's handwriting. Hello darling, I am extremely sorry to say that we had some business to take care of, I hope you could make friends with Milo as you are new here. You will be going to school on Monday however, we should be home by the time you and Milo come home. We can't wait meet you Lots of love~ Susan 

 I placed the letter in my bag, as I take Milo's hand and climb into the carriage. I couldn't help but let your nervous talk get the better of me, everything I say comes out of your mouth all jumbled up and at three times the speed. I am not even sure Milo if listening anymore as after everything I say he hums or nods his head. 

"So the world is about to end! And there are lots of coyotes wearing pink dresses running after us" you state sarcastically. "Yes" he hums and nods his head. You couldn't help but giggle at yourself and turn to the side watch the trees go by. We pass the most beautiful homes with the greenest trees and the most colorful flowers, we continue down this path until we see the most beautiful houses places perfectly on the lush green grass.

 We slow down in front of huge Pearl white gates which lay in front of a beautiful houses with the doors and window framed with tree oak. "She's here honey!" A woman shouts before running up to me and pulled me into a massive hug, a man came running out slowly after her. "Oh how lovely you are dear," she states with a heart warming smile.

 "I'm Susan Williams as this is my husband Bernard Williams," she commented before guiding me into our new home. Could this be the life I truly wished for? We walk up the stairs and into my room, it has the most beautiful baby blue walls and a luxurious white and grey bed with blankets laced with white patterns. I notice that Mrs. Williams grey hair corresponds perfectly with her luscious green eyes as she held open the door.

 I look the the right and see an open closet full of simple but beautiful dresses, finished with the most luxurious puffed sleeves. My old friend Anne had told me about how beautiful puffed sleeves were, only now was I realizing how correct she actually was. "Do you like it?" Sue asked as her smile grew even bigger.

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