Chapter 10

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"Althea, what is wrong with you." He yelled, causing her to stop. She let out deep breaths, feeling him step behind her. She just couldn't calm down, she had absolutely no reason to be angry, it just was overcoming her. "There is nothing wrong with me. How dare you say that." She screamed, pushing him away. He sighed, grabbing ahold of her arm as she tried to run away. "I didn't mean it like that, Althea. Something is bothering you, please tell me." He whispered to her, not wanting her to cry. Her jaw was quivering ever so slightly, and her eyes were blinking rather fast. "You seem to have a crush on Anne, a girl you met not that long ago. You've beentoo busy with other girls to notice I have had a crush on you for years!" She seethed. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had done, a hand finding its way up to her mouth. Her face was tinged a light pink, and her eyes were laced with tears, her embarrassment getting the best of her. "Althea I-I didn't know I'm so sorry." He spoke softly. Her face visibly paled, and her breathing hitched. He noticed this, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. He grabbed her shoulder to steady her shaking body, a tear rolling down her cheeks."I-I'm sorry Gil-Gilbert. I'm an h-horrible friend." She stuttered out, not daring to meet his gaze. She felt as if she was dying like her heart was stopping. 

Her vision tinged black at the edges, and her knees gave up from under her. She gripped onto his arms. "Hey, hey it's okay. You're fine, you're an excellent friend. "Althea stopped crying, but the feeling of dying did not. She sat against him, her breaths short and quickened. He placed a hand of her back, not knowing what to do. After a while, she felt a bit better, and she was able to stand and continue walking home. Her face was still torn stained, and a light shade of red. Almost the color of the girl's hair who had watched the entire thing. Anne felt sympathy for the girl, but a pang of sadness as she heard Althea confess her love for Gilbert.

Althea impatiently as the other girls conversed about something she really didn't care for. Not listening to them, she thought about her conversation with Mr Williams, "I made a terrible mistake today, Jack." Which districts comprise the prairies? Gilbert?" Mr phillips questioned. Gilbert clumsily got out of his seat, standing straight. He glanced at her, who kept her eyes trained on him. She smiled at him as he looked at the main the front of the room. "The districts of Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Assiniboia," Gilbert answered. She heard Josie and Ruby whisper to each other. She glanced at them, raising an eyebrow. 

 "That is a clever student," the class was filled with whispers, and Mr.Phillips glanced around the room, "Anne, which provinces comprise the Atlantic Maritimes?" Anne stood up slowly, the lack of noise causing Althea to drift off into her own thoughts. Althea groaned as class ended, slowly getting out of her seat, rubbing her eyes as she followed the other students. She smiled, noticing Gilbert talking to Diana and Anne. "New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI, Nice Boys-" Gilbert was cut off by a rather angry Anne. "Diana, could you please tell Gilbert Blythe that I don't need his help?" Anne scoffed, putting on her coat. "Why don't you just tell me yourself? I'm right here." Gilbert asked. "I suppose I just did." She shook her head, wrapping her coat around her body. "Wow." She muttered, letting out a small laugh. "Mnemonics is spelled with an 'M' ." Althea placed a hand on his arm, causing him to look at her. "She said she doesn't need your help." Gilbert nodded, smiling at her. "Have a good weekend." Gilbert chuckled, Diana nodded, Smiling at Gilbert. he looks her up and down before walking out the door. Althea rolled her eyes, walking out after him. "You, Gilbert Blythe, are a flirt." Althea declared, smiling at her comment. "I am not. You're lying." he mocked her, and Anastasia snorted, covering her mouth. "you have a crush on Anne, and Diana, and Ruby-" "I only have a crush on one person. And she's beautiful, and loves reading, and always blanks out, and stutters every once in a while, and says she isn't perfect, but I know she is." Althea looked at him, confusion passing over her face. He smiled at, walking away from Althea. She was too shocked to move as she tried to register what had happened.

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