Chapter 7

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ᴀ ʀᴏsᴇ ʙʏ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ"Althea burst out laughing, holding onto the branch for support. Gilbert was smiling at the sun, but Althea's laugh died down rather quickly. "You know, It's really great having a friend like you." She exclaimed, sighing as it was getting rather dark outside, and her mother would get concerned about her getting home so late. "Hey, it's nice being your friend too, Althea."

"Well, I should get going, my mother will get worried if I'm not home." And with that, she jumped out of the branch, gathering her school supplies and basket, turning around a bidding her goodbyes before disappearing into the forest. On a particularly cold night, Althea was awoken by the sound of bells ringing. She was slightly confused, so she decided to get out of her bed to seek what was making the sound. She stopped in front of her window, peering out into the dark of night. There was a very bright light somewhere over by Ruby's house. Ruby's house. Althea gasped, running down her stairs as fast as she could. Her mother, of course, was not awake yet, as she had been working a very long time that day. 

Althea had slipped on her boots and grabbed the buckets that were placed by the door. Her breathing was rather heavy, and when she reached the fire, she noticed a particular personon the roof, a red jacket surrounding their body. She breathed out a small sigh, looking up at her best friend who she had not seen for a few days. He was missing in action, and he was no longer at school. "Gilbert." walking over to the men to hand them her buckets. "We're ever so thankful for your help, Miss Taylor." The man who she handed the buckets to remarked, and she smiled before walking over to her original spot. She decided in a terrible time like this, it would be a good idea to talk to Ruby. She slowly walked one to her friend, placing a hand on her. Ruby turned around, quite scared at the sudden touch, but she soon jumped up from where she was sitting and wrapped her arms around Althea. And she did the same, wrapping her arms around Ruby.

 "I am so sorry I wasn't here earlier, the bells didn't wake me up soon enough." Diana heard her friend laugh through the tears, and a smiling Althea stood right next to her. Althea slowly walked towards the house, she held two large baskets in her hand. Her mother had been kind enough to bake a pie for the men at work, and Althea had decided to deliver it for her mother, who was headed off for work at the dress shop. Althea looked up, her eyes meeting a quite curious scene. Ruby seemed to be on the ground, Anne standing above her, and Billy and Gilbert were on the roof. She sighed, turning around to face the table, placing each pie down. 

'What is wrong with you!" She heard Anne shout from behind her, she spun around, looking at the girl. "Go home! And bake cookies!" Billy exclaimed, earning a deafening glare from Althea. "Headline, they already did. "Gilbert smiled down at her friend, who was shaking her head at him. "This is Ruby's property, or did you forget?" "Why don't you shove off, and leave the men to their work." "Why don't you give me that hammer, and I'll finish the job myself if you're too busy being a bully to get it done!" Gilbert finished descending down the ladder as the men chuckled, and Althea kept her eyes on her friend, knowing something awkward would happen.

Silent beauty (Gilbert Blythe )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें