𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

90 20 31

"swing low, sweet chariot

 comin' for to carry me home"

- a melody you sang to me 

as you pushed me on the swing

painting dandelions to hide the weeds

in the start of a delightful Spring

oh, my childhood!

much like the Spring

how brilliant you once were,

now dwindling into obscurity

I open the french-style jalousie

of the room that lilacs caress,

welcoming the pollinated breeze,

gleefully clutching my hands to my chest

oh, my dear Spring!

your flowers bloom so bright,

despite the weeds' viridescent thorns

that caused my fingers to bleed

those memories I cherish,

so exquisitely picturesque,

are of wildflowers and elderberries

and wind blowing on my neck

oh, my evanescent youth!

a canvas bleeding with dolour

why did you run away from me,

painting my world in watercolor?

I miss when you painted dandelions

that hid the viridescent weeds

I miss when you whispered your wise words

"a bond with nature is all we need"

I miss when you sang to me

and pushed me on the swing

I miss your hummed melodies

I miss you, my dear Spring

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