Lets Have Sex

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Let's have sex, and not without the foreplay, and not without the first date.

The music flowed through the speakers of her car, the vibrations flowing through her as she drove down the busy city streets of Morinville. It was 7 pm on a Wednesday night. Wednesdays were her favorite day for reasons she couldn't explain. The lights from store windows and street lamps gave her a comforting sense of peace. It reminded her of the drives she used to take with her dad when she was little.

Having just gotten off work, Shanice was tired, to say the least. She liked her job as a public relations manager, but there was something about working a nine to five for the rest of her life that did not seem right with her. She just couldn't her self doing that, and if she could prevent it, she most certainly would. Her phone, which sat in the phone holder attached to her air vent, buzzed to life, calling her attention towards it.

Averting her gaze from the road to her phone, it was a message from her mother asking if she would be attending church with her on Sunday. Shanice rolled her eyes and let out a grunt. It wasn't that she hated church. It was more like the people at the church.

"Hey Siri, respond to the message."

Okay, what would you like to say?

"I think I am busy. I'll let you know before Friday. Love you." She spoke to her phone. She bit the inside of her cheek, feeling guilty, she was not busy, but she did not like going to that church for many reasons.

Would you like me to send it now?

Her phone asked in its monotone voice. Turning her head away from the road once again to respond.

"Yes, send i-" She was cut off by the loud beeping of a horn and a violent jerk forward. Before she could even register what had occurred, her car rear-ended the one in front of her.

"Damnit!" She cursed loudly, hitting the steering wheel. Quickly chucking off her seatbelt, she jumped out of her car to examine the damage she caused.

"Shit, I am sorry," she shouted profusely, apologizing to the driver who had emerged from his car. There was a large dent in the back of the car, and she had knocked out the left taillight. Her car hadn't endured much damage besides a tiny dent and scratch in the front. She began to worry even more once she realized the car she had hit was a Porsche. She couldn't tell much about him, but his outfit and the watch on his wrist looked equally expensive. She couldn't help but give him the once over. Even though his face was painted with sheer anger, he looked extremely enticing. Refocussing on the situation at hand, her head began to hurt, thinking about how much it would cost to fix it, money that she did not have to spend on some rich man's car.

"You don't look where you drive? What is wrong with you?" The man who emerged from the car began accosting her as he approached the back of his car to inspect the damage.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened literally. I took my eye off the road for one second."

There were in the middle of an intersection, and the light was no longer red, so traffic had begun to get backed up, causing cars to beep impatiently. "Go around! Can't you see there was an accident, idiota!"

"Here, let me call the police so we can file a report. I have insurance, so we can get this figured out." She reached into her car to grab her phone.

"No, that's alright it won't be necessary." He rubbed his hand tiredly over his face. The Rolex that adorned his wrist glimmered brightly. "Just get back in your car and drive over into that parking lot so we can get out of traffic."

"Are you sure we should? It's okay, I'll get it fixed." She mentally cursed herself for being so willing to admit to a fault she knew she should have probably stopped talking, but she just felt so bad.

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