Roll Some Mo

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Dante exited his car and walked up to the door of the house that sat on one of the large estates owned by the Ricci family. Scanning his finger against the keypad, he entered the house in search of Layla.

"Layla, I'm here. Where is he?" Dante spoke, pressing his finger to the intercom system that sat at the bottom of the grand staircase.

"We'll be right down." She spoke back through the intercom system. A few minutes later, he heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet descending the stairs. His face immediately lit up at the sight of the precious boy.

"Uncle Dante!" The little boy exclaimed excitedly. "I missed you."

"Awh, I missed you too, buddy. You ready to spend the day with your favorite uncle?"

"Si uncle, can we get ice cream and go out to eat again tonight?"

"No, Christopher, you already had ice cream yesterday. Remember what we talked about?" Layla spoke from behind them as she watched their interaction. Ignoring her, Dante spoke up to answer his little nephews' question.

"Of course, little man, we can do whatever you want. It's not often you get to spend time with your uncle now, is it?" Chrisptohers clapped his hands together at the response from his uncle.

"Dante, can I speak to you in the other room, please?" Layla asked irritatedly.

"Wait right here, bud. I'll be right back, and once I am back, we can leave." Dante followed Layla into the living room that was adjacent to the large foyer in the house. "What? I need to get going. I have work to do."

"You're going to work while watching him? You know he doesn't get to see you often. Why do you always have to work?"

"Layla, it is not nor will it ever be your place to question what I do. I would think you know you are not and will never be in a position to question me about anything. Remember your place. You are here because of the humbleness of my family and because you were best friends with Talia. Oh, and lastly, if I want to feed him ice cream, that's my prerogative. Is there anything else you need from me?"

"No." Layla choked out, tears appeared in her eyes. Rolling his eyes, Dante sighed, feeling as if he may have been too harsh with her but not daring to let that show on his face.

"Alright, then see you when I get back." Having gotten the last word, Dante turned around and heading out of the living room. "Let's go, Christopher. There's ice cream to eat."

"Yay!" The little boy cheered out. Sending one last glare at Layla, he took the little boy's hand and exited the house.

"Uncle Dante, where are we going first? I am so excited to hang out with you." Christopher exclaimed while fiddling around with his iron man toy while Dante struggled to strap the child in his car seat.

"Well, that's up to you, buddy. We can go to dinner then ice cream, or we can order in food if you would like." After successfully strapping him in, Dante made his way around to the front seat of the car.

"Umm, I don't know. I just want ice cream, ok?"  He said simply once Dante entered the car.

"Ok, little nipotino," Dante let out a chuckle at the cuteness of his nephew. Pulling out of the round cobblestone, they headed towards his estate on the outskirts of town.

After three scoops of ice cream and a movie night filled with fake fighting and Dante multitasking between work and his little nephew, Christopher was finally asleep. Sitting on his couch with his nephew asleep on his lap, he pulled out his phone to answer his phone that began to ring before it could wake up his nephew.

"Speak," Dante answered.

"It's me. I'm on my way over; I have the files you asked for. Everything is here, but there seems to be a situation." It was his right-hand man and brother Marillo. Being that he was younger, Dante would take over the family business, and Marillo would be the second in command.

"What situation have you spoken to papa?"  Dante asked lifting the boy delicately off his lap onto the couch so he could step into his office and take the call.

"Not yet I am not sure if it is something substantial, but once we go over the file, then we can be sure. I'll be there in ten minutes."  Marillo answered

"Alright." Dante hung up the phone and stood up from his desk chair, rubbing a hand over his tired face. He entered the living once again and picked up Christopher to take him to his room so he would be out of the way when it was time for him to work. Dante decided to take the elevator since he didn't want to wake the boy up going up the large staircase.  He entered the mahogany elevator with Christopher in his arms, and they headed up to the third floor of the house. Christopher's room was right next to Dantes. He felt the boy began to stir in his arms, so he slowed his movements as not to wake him up. "Shh go back to sleep ragazzino." Dante whispered softly to the boy. He laid him down softly on his bed, careful not to wake him any further.

"Mama," Christopher called out lowly, stopping Dante in his tracks. Turning around, he gave a sorrowful glance at the little boy. His heart panged as he thought of his sister Talia, he always missed her, and no form of revenge would ever fill the hole in his heart. That was his baby, and he swore he always protect her. Yet he failed, and now he had to live with the constant pain of not having his sister here with him. Giving one last soft look at the boy, he turned and walked out the room, pulling the door silently behind him, and headed downstairs for his brother's arrival.

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