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"So, how did the date go? Did you take all my pointers?" Marillo asks, not even allowing me to sit down and pour myself a drink first. I was back from the evening and was in the kitchen searching for something to eat.

"Can I at least get myself a drink first? And I don't need pointers from my little brother."

"I'm sure you can do both, and I hope you took my pointers. You need them."

"Why are you in my house again? Don't you have a one-night stand to be entertaining?" I turn to ask him. He's already made himself comfortable in my kitchen.

"No, I don't, and your nephew is here, so watch what you say, idiota." He said, looking over his shoulder into the living room, where I noticed my little nephew watching cartoons on the couch.

"Where is Layla" She should be watching him." I groan in frustration, taking a sip of the 1984 scotch I poured myself, much to Marillo's dismay.

"You could at least act like you're happy to see him."

"I am but Marillo, do you forget about the dinner party here on Wednesday? What are we going to do with him?" I responded in hush tones.

"Oh shi- shoot, I forgot about the meeting. Layla and mom went to Italy for the week, and papa was going to watch him, but he hasn't been feeling well, so he's going to be with us instead."

"He can stay here. It'll be fine. He'll be asleep by then anyway," I lean back on the counter and run a tired hand through my hair.

"Alright, but if he's staying here for the week, so are you," I whisper, setting my glass down on the counter.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Marillo smirks, knowing he planned to make my life a living hell this next week.

"Put him to bed. I'm going to work in my office." I say, loosening my tie and heading down the hall.

"Whatever, how was your date?" He shouts after me.

"Mind your business," I shout back over my shoulder, smirking lightly closing the door to my office behind me. Taking a seat in my chair, my phone buzzed to life in the pocket of my jacket. Pulling it out, I saw it was a text from Shanice.

S- Made it home safe! Thanks again for tonight. It was wonderful.

D-Good. Im glad you enjoyed yourself. Get some sleep. You have work tomorrow.

S- I will. Goodnight Dante.

D-Good night Shanice.

Looking at the clock, I saw it was already 10, then my eyes shifted back to my computer and all the work that I had to do, and I knew tonight would be another late night. Even with all the work I had to do I could only think of Shanice.


Swallowing my nerves, I knocked on the door, a box of treats in hand.

"Come in," She called from the outside of the door.

"Hey Nina," I grinned at her sweetly. "Forgive me?" I pleaded at her placing the box of her favorite dessert in front of her. She eyed me and then the box momentarily.

"Are those-?"

"Mhmm, red velvet with the gold flakes just how you like em." I cut her off, grinning. "You were right, babe, but I just didn't want to hear it."

"I'm sorry to Shanice." She sighed, getting up from her desk and coming to stand in front of me. "Sometimes my delivery can be off, and I shouldn't have said all that to you while you weren't feeling well."

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