Call Out My Name

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"Good morning, Shan. How are you today?" Nina greeted me, entering my office.

"Please tell me you got my coffee?" I looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

"Of course I did, but why do you look like you got hit by a bus?" She peered at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I feel like I did. I don't know, girl, everything hurts. It's probably just my period if anything" I sighed as Nina handed me my coffee.

"You should've called out. You look terrible." Nina looked at me with pity eyes. I hated when she did that or anyone for that matter.

"Im fine, okay. Just stop looking at me like that; I hate when you do it."

"Fine, but if you start feeling worse, you're going home."

My eyes rolled at that statement. "Nina, please, I am not a child."

"Alright, whatever, I am just trying to look out for you, but you do, you girl." Shrugging her shoulder, she turned and walked out of my office into hers across the hall.

I knew Nina was trying to look out for me, but I had work to do, and I could handle myself. After about an hour of answering emails and drafting up proposal statements, I got a call from Richard saying he wanted to speak with Nina and me in his office briefly. Nina was already making her way towards the elevator when I had left my office. She usually waited for me, so I knew she was upset with me. The elevator hadn't come yet, so I was able to catch up to her.

"Nina," I sighed.

"Hmm," she responded, not bothering to answer me fully.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"No, I'm not mad at you. It's your body your choice, so do what you want." She shrugged, not bothering to turn around.

"Nina, I'm not stupid. Okay, I know what I can handle. If I didn't feel like I could get through the day, I wouldn't be here."

"I know Shan," Nina sighed, turning around to face me as we waited for the elevator. "Just don't overextend yourself, okay?" She looked at me concerned.

"Alright, Nina, I won't. Are you still mad at me?"

A smirk appeared on Nina's face, which she tried to hide but failed badly. "No, I can't stay mad at my best friend."

"I know, girl tells me about." We laughed at each other's antics.

The elevator door dinged, signaling it had made it to our floor. We entered the elevator and made our way up to Ricahrds office."

"What do you think he wants to see us about?" I asked, scrolling through my phone.

"I don't know, probably something you're boyfriend's project that we are working on."

"He's not my boyfriend." I shot back, annoyed.

"Right because a regular person would give someone the pin to their apartment and invite them in anytime they wanted then get mad when they actually do so. "

"I was drunk, Nina! I did not mean that seriously." I shot back, annoyed she was still taking his side. The elevator rang again, signaling they had made it to their floor.

"Well, I think it was cute. He obviously likes you," Nina said as she stepped off the elevator.

"Yeah, you would think that's cute ."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She turned to raise her eyebrows at me.

"Nothing, girl, don't even worry about. Let's just focus on going to see your boyfriend."

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