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Something so simple and small can go a long way in making someone's day
I was down in the dumps the other day contemplating my existence and the point of it all
A stranger, someone I have never noticed or spoken to before smiled at me, complimented my hair and told me to have a good day, that one moment, a simple 30 seconds managed to get me through the whole day
I started walking around with a smile and a beat in my step, the confidence and will to survive I was missing all day recovered from just some simple measly words that most people won't think twice about, a few words of kindness from a stranger brought me the most happiness I have felt in weeks
It's a wonder what a few acts of kindness can do to us as humans and it's a beautiful and wonderful thing for us as humans to be moved to be kind
It's one of the spirits I hope to embody, the spirit of kindness because I know and have seen how life changing it can be
It's why I smile at people, compliment them and listen to them, it's what keeps me going
I hope I never forget to be kind, and I hope for the day that us as humans are moved to be more kind to each other and to ourselves, I wish for the day that we all realize the beauty of something most people take for granted , the everlasting beauty of kindness

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