I am not perfect ☘️

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Why do we have this ideology of perfection and the perfect person, the perfect life, the perfect body ?
Why is it ingrained in our very existence the need to be perfect, the  need to be and act a certain way just to fit into this box called perfection?
Why can't we accept ourselves and be grateful for what we have?
Why are humans always unsatisfied searching for the flaws in every little  thing just to conform to certain standards socially constructed to keep us restricted?
Why do we look in the mirror and question our worth and our beauty?
Why do people think their body shape isn't perfect or their body parts aren't made the right way?
People look at themselves in disgust and cry because they don't fit into this mix that society calls perfection
Why haven't people realized that perfection is  unrealistic causing more harm than good?
Why can't we accept people as they come with all their flaws, their quirks and their unique beauty?
When will this never ending cycle end?
have hope for the  day someone we'll finally learn to accept themselves and look in the mirror and smile and say "I am not perfect but that's okay"

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