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The feeling you get when something bad happens or just when your're feeling lonely.
You're lost in a sea of emotions and your are just in pain.
You're mind is in disarray, your body sometimes gets numb.
You close off from the world around you and Just sink deeper into your pain.

Everyone goes through this once in awhile.
The pain, the hurt is unbearable.

It's a feeling you get when all pain and loss are just crashing at you at once.
It's overwhelming but we have to go through it.
To claw our way through the pain and remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It hurts and it's not easy to get through,
But always remember you can get through it.
You have to believe in yourself,
Don't let the pain win or control you.
Let yourself feel the pain cause it's necessary,
But never let yourself dwell in it.

It makes you push people who love and care about you away and become closed off.
It's blinding and easy to dwell in,
But we have to fight and not let the sadness blind us,
Cause things will get better.

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