Im not faking it! (Tubbo🐝)

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A/N: Heyy author here, already taking a quite far stretch with this first chapter, but in this Tubbo/Toby has tourettes syndrome (reference to the picture above for the definition) and often gets bullied for it by the kids at his school.
  Oh and hey before you start hating on it, I have actually have tics myself and I will be basing tubbos tics off most of mine aswell.
  Enjoy!  -K


"Its finally over"
Toby says with a sigh as he walks down his street. It had been a long and stressful day of school, full of being made fun of by some stupid kids at his school.

He walked up the stairs of his parents house, pulling a key out of his pocket to open the front door. His parents didnt get home till later so he had some time to lounge around and be as loud as he wished. Closing the door behind him he shrugged his backpack of his shoulders, following by a quiet sigh of relief.

Trudging up the stairs he made his way to his room, He decided that he couldnt be bothered to change out of his school clothes seeing as he wore somthing quite plain,comfy, and casual to school today.


After what felt like forever, but was really more like 20 minutes, of scrolling through Twitter, A noise came from Toby's computer, he looked up to see a discord call, pressing accept,

" Tommy! Hi!" He said, immediately cracking a smile. "HEYYYY BIG T" Them both bursting into laughter at Tommy's loud greeting.

"Listin Tubbo, I bought somthing amazing, just trust me on this one." Tubbo raised an eyebrow, "oh yea?" He received a very excited nod. "And what's that Tommy?"

Tommy sprinted out of his room for a few moments, returning with his dog Betty, in a Simple red and white doggy shirt, matching Tommy himself. Tubbos eyes widened, "Tommy! What the-" laughter filled the call,

"Look I couldn't pass up the chance!" Tommy said raising his arms in defense, laughing along with his friend. After a surprisingly while of making random jokes, Betty let out a few small barks,

"Ah, I gotta go feed Betty, I'll be a moment Tubs."
Once the boy and dog left, Tubbo had slight head twitch, followed by a few more, and a slight whistle. He heard Footsteps as Tommy came back through his door.

"Ello mate!" Tubbo said with a terrible Australian accent, or his tics said it. You see, Toby hates when he tics infront Tommy, he feels as if he's just become such a bother, but Tommy says he dosnt mind.

"Uh, you good Tubbster?" "It was a tic Tommy." He could see Tommy holding back a laugh, "you can laugh Tommy." Tommy couldnt hold it much longer much longer, Toby could've thought he wouldve exploded. Tubbo laughed along, occasionally head twitching, or some other tic.


It's been a few months now. Not much has changed for Toby
Untill, well something happened....

Ha, Cliffhanger suckers.
I know this was quite short and boring but its currently  12:21 A.M and im eating some random snack, watching YouTube, and have completely broken my back/j.
Anyways this will probably have a part 2. Eventually at least.
But dont forget to drink water and take care of yourself!

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