Movie Night (Karlnapity💕)

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Hello helllo hello!

This was requested by some people in a discord server.

This agere


Cgs! Karl and quackity

Just some simple fluff.

Smallnap's age range: 4-8

Enjoy! 💗💓❣💓🍍🍋🍎🍓


Karl and big Q were both streaming, leaving Sapanp to his own self.

But that's fine right? He's an adult and can care of him self, right?


In Karl's Room, there could be a knock heard. He muted his stream and spun around in his chair, "Yea?"
The door opened to reveal his little boy, Sapnap.

"Oh hey Sapnap, what's up did you need something?"

No answer, just Sapnap making grabby hands toward Karl.

"Aww bub, I'm streaming right now, but Quackity should be finished streaming. Why dont you go hang out with him, Okay?"

"Oki papa.. havs a good stweam!"

Karl chuckled and unmuted.

"Sorry about that stream."


Sapnap walked down the hall taking a turn, raising in his and softly knocking on the door.

It quickly opened revealing Quackity.

"Baba!" Sapnap made grabby hands towards the other.

Quackity smiled and picked the boy up in his arms, shutting the door behind him. Setting them both down in his chair, bouncing Spanap in his lap.

"Hi puppy. Did you want to play?"

Sapnap nodded, pointing to Quackity's closet, "Blocks! Pease!"

And that's how they spent the afternoon, playing with blocks in Quackity's room. Till Karl was finished streaming.

Karl opened the door, smiling at his boyfriends.

Taking a seat beside Sapnap, "What are you two up to?"

Sapnap placed some blocks into Karl's lap, "We playin wif blocks papa!"

Karl placed the blocks down making a tower, "Hmm well how about we clean all this up and have a movie night, how does that sound bubba?"

Quackity, who already knew what the boys answer was going to be, started putting all of the blocks up.


The living room was covered in blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. All the lights were dimmed leaving the bright TV screen. Sapnap was sitting on the floor, his eyes not leaving the screen. Sippy cup and Stuffie in his arms.

Karl and Quackity were sitting on the couch behind him, bowl of popcorn between them. Sapnap occasionally reaching behind in to grab some of it.

After a while Sapnap climbed up on the couch, tossing the empty bowl aside.

Sprawling out across his caregiver's laps. Quackity playing with his hair, Karl already asleep. Sapnap joining him not to long later.

Quackity kissed Karl's cheek and sapnaps head before falling asleep himself.


I like this chapter :) -K

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