Stop. Go away. (Wilbur🎸)

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A/N: ok so sorry I haven't been writing, I'm a huge procrastinator. Anyways So its SBI,
Phil: normal age
Techno: 19
Tommy: 10

Backstory: Wilbur suffers through anxiety and being neglected by his family.

⚠️TW: Self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorder.⚠️

(And heres some snacks 🍔🍉🍓🍎🍞🥐🥞🍖🍗🍟🌭🌮🍧🍨🎂🥠🥠🍢🥛🥛🥛🥛🥤🥤🥤🥤)



The house was dead, The only noises that could be heard was Phil cooking in the kitchen for his son's, and Wilburs phone alarm going off. It was a Saturday, but Will just forgot to turn it off.

"Nope." Will groaned as he turned the obnoxious noise off, Picking up his phone and checking the time, after adjusting his eyes to the bright light. He noticed it was Saturday

"God, must've forgotten to shut it off." He powers his phone off, Getting out of bed, he Couldnt be bothered to change so he just opens his door and makes his way downstairs.

Down in the kitchen, Techno and Tommy were all ready at the table, eating pancakes. Phil was leaned against the counter sipping at his coffee.

"Morning Will, theres some food if you're hungry." Phil mentions , using his almost empty mug to motion towards the food.

"Oh, uh no thank you, I'm not hungry." Will Said softly, making sure to avoid eye contact with his father.

Phil gave him a concerned look before setting his cup down and walking toward his son. He Lifted Wilbur's head up by his chin to look him in the eyes, Or at least, in the face.

"You sure Will? When was the last time you ate son?" His voice laced with worry.

Will panicked, "L-Last night." He lied. But he felt he had too. The truth was, he couldnt remember the last time he had eaten a proper meal. However he had a granola bar a few nights ago with some Tea, So he lied.

Phil furrowed his eyebrows, Walking off down the hall and up the stairs, "Meet me in my room please son."

Wilbur gave a quick glance in the direction of his brothers, Techno was raising his eye brows, while Tommy was to distracted by, well who knows what to notice what was going on.

Techno was the first to speak up, "go on now, I'll do the dishes for today."

Will nodded, and trudged up the dreaded stairs, making his way to Phil's room. However he wasnt in there. Instead he was in wilburs room, holding a small, Silver blade.

Wilbur stopped in his tracks, "D-Dad what are y-you doing in my room?" Will gulped, he knew he wasnt getting out of this one.


A/N I dont really want to write anymore but I do at the same time. So I'm just gonna stop it here for now and pick it up later.
But this chapter was heavily inspired by The wonderful a Gh0stGirlCj and The lovley El-legedlyMe

They are basically the only reason I even have any motivation to write. So thank you!! 💖💕


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