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It was Monday today, (__) sat alone inside of California's local café that had recently opened 2 weeks ago. They had their gaze focused outside the window, quietly watching a young foreign family pass by them. They couldn't understand the words but could read the joyful look on their faces.

A blonde boy was crying about something while the father tried to reassure them calmly. The mother on the other hand nervously spoke on the phone. One thing for sure is, the boy was yelling "Ophelia! Ophelia!"

(__) was having their morning drink before starting an Among Us stream which was arranged a half past 7. Niki would be there eventually, but they weren't sure who else would be coming.

(__) didn't like Among Us despite it only being a pinpoint each other until the imposter's found game. But they felt the need to stream- it's been 2 weeks a half and the fans were worrying lately.

The door swung open. The tiny bell attached above it played in a pleasant rhythm of music when the door opened, signalling someone's presence. The person perked their head up to see who it was as the cold air encompassed their body.

A man entered the café with a cold look on his face. His pink-ish hair highlights swayed subtly as he marched towards the front counter.

(__) watched the man stare at the menu above him with a scrutinized look, the barista in front feeling slightly uncomfortable by his presence.

"Wh-What would you like sir?.." The barista asked, stammering. They could tell she was terrified of him, judging by their height difference and him being the tallest.

"Uhh, can I have a latte?"

"Sure!" She nervously laughed before walking off to prepare his order. (__) glanced at the man before looking down to their drink.

His appearance gave off an intimidating vibe to his character, but his personality is oddly weird for them. How observant.

(__) shrugged, resuming back to staring blankly outside the window. The same blonde boy was jumping around happily with a girl his age. They immediately assumed that was Ophelia due to how excited the boy was.


They couldn't help but smile a little. Such an adoring moment to see between two little kids.

Suddenly, (__) heard something drop on their left and turned to see what it was. A maroon wallet. They lifted their head to see the same man walk away, taking a seat at the corner of the room.

Their eyes flickered back at the wallet on the floor, should I hand him the wallet back? They thought, hesitating for a moment. Screw it.

(__) picked up the wallet and stood up from their seat, quickly walking to where the man's table was. Upon approaching, the man stared up to them with a scrunched-confused expression which they simply ignored.

"Sorry to bother," (__) apologized, holding his wallet out to him, "But you dropped your wallet."

He continued to stare at them before sheepishly taking back his wallet from their hands, continuing to take sips on his warm latte. (__) took it as a sign he wasn't interested to talk and nervously laughed.

"I'll be off now," They calmly informed and turned their heel to walk away, when suddenly he responded, "Thanks."

"Huh?" (__) glanced back at him.

"Thanks for uh, giving me my wallet back. I could've panicked and come back searching for it," He laughed, scratching the back of his head. For once, they felt a little relieved by his words and laughed with him.

"No worries, I'm glad to help you out." They smiled.

"Techno," He paused, "Techno's the name," Techno told them but didn't hold out his hand. (__) thought he wasn't a fan of handshakes but subtly smiled anyways, "(__)."

This man wasn't so bad after all, his appearance may have given the intimidating vibes but the way he talks sounds friendly.

"So uh tell me, why are you here this night?" He asks, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"I can ask you the same thing. I'm having a break before streaming." They elaborated. Techno raises his eyebrows and his curiosity dims. He looked at (__) as if he knew them, he just couldn't figure it out yet.

"You stream?"

"Yeah, I stream once a week."

The both of them had shared a few interests in common. They had taken a liking for Minecraft, making YouTube videos, and also a thing for Greek mythology. (__) found out Techno streams once a month, whereas they stream once a week.

(__) looked back at the window. The family and Ophelia were surely gone by now and the sky was getting dark every minute, the streetlights dimmed a soft orange light on the busy roads. They turned to the clock above, letting out a 'hm.'

"I should be going, my stream's starting in 20 minutes." (__) said, glancing at Techno.

"Well, see ya later." Techno waved. They bid goodbye to him before exiting the café, only to be met by the same cold air again. The deafening sounds of passing cars and loud talking filled their ears noisily. They walked away from the building, navigating their way back home.

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