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edited on 22nd May/10:42PM

Yellow lights illuminate the dim room every time a car passes by the house, the noises silencing the loud unwanted silence every time it did. Time was going fast as per usual whenever (__) would drown into their thoughts for a solid moment.

This would be tough for (__) to stream without a bother since the neighbourhood is usually busy, and the house wasn't soundproof- unfortunately for them.

During the wait, their mind would always wander off to the man they recently met at the café. Perhaps Techno was an interesting lad, and (__) just simply couldn't understand why.

It took them a while to regain back their 5 senses upon hearing their Discord ringing, which they quickly checked.

'ADSWQR, everyone join now'

Their eyes glanced at the computer clock and sighed lightly. It was 2 minutes before the Among Us stream and (__) mentally slapped themself in subtle embarrassment when realizing they'd forgot to open the game beforehand. They didn't waste more to start it up, inputting the code after.

Upon teleporting into the main lobby of the server, (__) was greeted by the same-looking character (excluding the different colour) who stood beside them. Niki, who wouldn't guess?

"hi!" She said in the public chat. Not wanting to seem rude towards other people, they responded with a short "hey".

"Hello chat," (__) waved casually at the chat and turned on their facecam. The room was almost filled with darkness but thankfully the ring light was enough to brighten their face. Otherwise, fans could've complained about the dark atmosphere.

(__) sighed, "Today we're gonna play Among Us because apparently, Tommy dragged me here," They said, simply ignoring their chat before mouthing a sarcastic, nonchalant yay.

"Gosh. Why are some people like this." (__) slipped in an inaudible whisper under their breath.

It was all pleasantries- chatting with the viewers with a simple, casual how are you and how is your day today while waiting for others to join the server.

The small indirect talk was cut off short when a certain someone in pink caught their attention, they were the last to join the server- and (__) was caught off-guard just by noticing.

"What?" They muttered under their breath, shocked at their arrival.

Techno. Wait, Techno? As in the guy that they met back at the café? (__) was baffled but kept their composure moderate, not wanting the viewers to question anymore.

Upon entering the Discord call, they were greeted with an angry voice talking to another, who demanded them to be quiet.

"And you call yourself a dirty crime boy. Pathetic. You are weird," Tommy retorted at the older man, his fuming voice vanished when he acknowledged (__)'s presence in the call, "Oh hey (__). What's up?"

"Why didn't you join earlier?" Niki questioned, curious for an answer.

"Sorry for joining the call a little late," They apologized, "I was busy talking to the viewers."


It's been approximately half an hour since (__) had been playing the game with their friends. Among Us was a great game to play especially when Tommy, a comedy-relief, was there.

He'd been funny during the playthrough, there was a time where Tommy would often shut the door on Wilbur for voting him off. In (__)'s defense mostly, they found the sighting hilarious.

Recently, (__) was heading towards Navigation despite having a few tasks left from there. If they completed all of their duties in no time, they'd be able to find the imposter without worrying about other things.

(__) had almost forgotten about Techno. It was obvious he's the same man from the café because of the voice. On some occasions, he'd follow them for a short time before wandering off to Phil.

Surprisingly though, when they made their way towards Navigation, a body chopped into half laid soulessly on the cold floor as a pink character hastily jumped into the vents, leaving (__) with the corpse.

"Oh, Tubbo died," They shrugged, reporting the body without wasting more time.

Several people unmuted their mic and began talking about what they encountered until (__) let out an 'ahem'. It was extremely effective, the others fell silent immediately which allowed them to discuss what they've seen. Sometimes, it's nice to have people listening to you.

"So while I was walking to Navigation, right? I saw Tubbo dead right when I entered the room," (__) explained and they glanced at Techno's pink character, who seems to only listen.

"Tubbo died?" Niki gasped.

Should they risk defending Techno from being voted out? It's not like he'd done anything to help them out, but (__) debated if they should. After contemplating for a few seconds, they spoke, "I've seen someone vented beforehand, but I forgot who it was."

The others hummed in agreement and they thought their bland lie worked out nicely- until someone objected.

"(__)," Wilbur calmly says, "It's weird how you went into the room and took a bloody second to report Tubbo's body. Isn't that a bit off?"

"How is that weird, Wilbur? I just reported the body, that's it." (__) retaliated. They were lying indeed, but they were also telling the truth. But for some reason, Tommy had to ruin it too.

"Not to interrupt, but (__)'s been following me when I was doing the radio thing-"

"For heaven's sake, Tommy!" They groaned and covered their face, feeling their fuming irritation arise, "Everyone please, I gave a clear and valid explanation. Don't vote for me-"

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