Chapter Two: A Run For My Money

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"Bold of you to assume I was done." He chuckled. I took quiet a few steps back widening the gap between us. 

"Where's you friend?" I asked, I was trying to buy some time to gather my cursed energy to end with one hit, but he didn't look like the type to mess around. 

"Never mind that, He's fine, thanks for asking, I know you care." He was mocking me, that son of bitch. 

"Funny joke, but that isn't gonna get you anywhere in this fight." I bit. He seemed powerful and full of himself too. I crouched down to the ground and placed my hand gently down on the grassy ground, Since he revealed that I had him for a little bit, I guess I could do it again with more cursed energy. 

"Doing the same trick is pointless." He said. 

"If that's what you think." I watched the ground crack under me, they crack raced over to the man faster than before. I knew I was putting myself at risk, but I couldn't die like he could, he was human. His biggest weakness was death. I lifted my hand off the ground with a quickness, before the crack had time to widen I jumped to on side.

"You know, ground attacks don't work on those who aren't on the ground." I heard him say.


I looked over to where he stood to see he was gone, "Up here." I heard him call. I looked up to see him floating! 

"That's a dirty trick, damn you!" I yelled at him, all he did was smile. I looked around my surroundings to see what I could use to reach him, after all I couldn't fly or whatever he was doing. That's when I remembered...

"Domain expansion." I whispered, I could only do it once, and once only, I needed to get this perfect. The fact that he was in the air would give some what of an advantage maybe.  I turned to face him, furrowing my brows at him, "Domain Expansion: Prison of chains!" I made the hand sigh as I yelled out the name, it began to form around us until it was pitch black. 

"Well look at that!" He said echoing throughout the domain

"I wouldn't go complimenting just yet, the shows not finished yet." I growled echoing around the place, I watched as the chains came from the darkness from behind me and toward the man with the quickness of a blink of an eye, first was to get the arms down so he could make any signs, next the feet so he couldn't move from his place, and Finally he'll be consumed by the chains. 

"W-well, will you look at that... y-you got me." He grunted, I walked through the darkness and into the light to see him all chained up. 

"That was the plan, but I'm surprised to see I got someone so powerful so quickly." I said plainly crossing my arms. 

"How'd you know that I was...s-so powerful even if I didn't do much of anything?" He asked as the chains tightened a little. 

"I can sense your power, and it's greater than mine. But powerful people always have the problem of underestimating the weaker." I explained. 

"Smart curse I see...names Satoru Gojo, I-I plan to meet you again, if y-you don't kill me here, n-not that you can." a smile grew on his lips.

"Call me Ace for now, I don't trust you enough with my real name." I turned around and began to walk away.

"You are gonna let me go right?" He asked.

"Yes, but I want to leave first." I loosened the chains enough for him to slip out, and I released the Domain so we were back in the normal world, "See you around Gojo." I said with a smirk as the chains wrapped around my body as I used my cursed energy to teleport far away.    

Gojo's POV

I stood there as I watched disappear into the chains. Ace, that's easy to remember. I knew I should've killed her, but she did catch me off guard which is nearly impossible to do. She's a  interesting curse, and the fact she takes human form, like Sukuna. 

sadly my partner died in that unfortunate accident.  But...She really gave me a run for my money.

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