Chapter Seven: What's under the blindfold?

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I laid in bed looking at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, how could I sleep, I was fully energized. I must've been out for days maybe. I sat up in bed and looked around, this room was pretty bare besides the decorations and things like that. I sighed as I hopped out of bed and walked up to the door.

He's out there sleeping, should I look to see if he's still up? Wait if he's asleep that means, the blindfold. What's under the blindfold?

this would give me something to do, plus what's under there where he gone to the point to hide it. I opened the door to see a dark area, luckily I could see well enough. I walked up to the couch and pecked over the side. His feet hung over the edge a little, which honestly didn't surprise me. He looked to be asleep, but for all I know he could be laying there awake. I decided to make sure and blew gently in his face to get no reaction. I walked around the the front of the couch and crouched down near his face. I slowly inched my hand closer and closer to his face hoping and praying he wasn't awake.

My finger tips brushed the blindfold gently, this was it I would see his entire face.

"Shouldn't you be in bed. And your breath stinks, it smells like curse." He blurted making me jump a little.

"That's rude, it's not like your breath smells any better Mr. Blindfold." I said angerly.

"So were giving each other nicknames now, ok then Ms. shorty." He laughed.

"That's not even true, your just freakishly tall." I retorted.

"Really, a lot of people are six foot." He stated happily.

"Your Six foot!" I said surprised.

"Well...six foot three." He answered, "What can I say ladies love the tall guy." He joked.

"No. Sorry to break it to you." I said, "Anyways, I'm not that tired, so I figured that I could take a look at your whole face."

"No, I can't do that. Only special people get to see." He beamed.

"I am special, I'm the only person on this earth that has beat you in combat and jujutsu." I said plainly.

"Uh, oh I guess your right there. Well you can have a five second peak, while my eyes are closed." He joked.

"No. Special people get to see, you said yourself, and I'm special." I crossed my arms as I looked at him.

"Say it again." He blurted.

"Say what?" I asked confused.

"Say your special to me." He had a big smile on his face with a little blush covering his cheeks.

"Umm, I'm special to you there now can I see." I said quickly.

"Ok, good now go turn on the light over there." He said pointing to the light on the side table at the other end of the couch. I got up and turned it on to reveal Gojo all covered up with the blanket, "Good, now since you seem to listen, I want you sit at the kitchen island and I'll take off the blindfold."

"Will you just take the thing off already." I said punching him in the arm. He chuckled and sat up. He pointed to and empty spot on the couch and I took a seat.

"Ok, now close your eyes." He said. I did as he said and closed my eyes

Gojo's POV

I watched as she closed her her eyes with a tiny smile trying to escape her lips. Now that I think about it I've never seen her smile, maybe this will make her smile a big smile. I took off my blindfold and looked at her.

"Can I open now?" She asked, I watched that smile escape, and for the first time I felt butterflies in my stomach, it was so strange to feel since I had never felt it before. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Go ahead open them." I said plainly.

"Hey open your eyes too." I heard her growl. I laughed and opened my eyes her angry face went to a pure state of shock, and speechlessness, "Your blindfold thing is the one thing holding up your hair." she bit.

"Uh...yes, I thought you wanted to look at my eyes and my hair is the first thing you notice." I said a little confused.

"Yeah, your eyes are pretty and all, I'll say I wasn't really expecting you to..." She trailed off as she looked away with a red face.

"To what, now you gotta tell me what you were gonna say." I said looking at her curiously.

She mumbled something making he face even redder, but I didn't get to hear what it was.

"Say it louder." I blurted. She looked at me embarrassed half to death.

" I said You look Good!" She yelled looking down at her lap. I felt my face heat up and the butterflies return all so quickly.

"Well, I already knew that." I joked laughing nervously.

"Uh, are you kidding after trying to kill me feeding gross foods, and holding my captive. That's what you have to say when I give you a compliment!" She yelled as she hit me in the chest, surprisingly it didn't even hurt. I started to laugh, making her stop suddenly, "Now your laughing at me! Do you have a death wish or somethin!"

"Ok, ok hey calm down, I have to sleep, I have a job unlike you." I said grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Unlike me, what the hell is that supposed to mean?" She looked up at me with a confused and angered look.

"I'm a sorcerer." I answered.

"Why you want me to get a job or somethin? You know what I will, I'll work at the jujutsu place." She said crossing her arms.

"You can't do that they'll kill you." I said.

"My ass, not if I kill them first." She bit, "Plus, I can just seal my cursed presence, and they'll never find out."

"Wait what? What do you mean by that?" I was confused, I had never heard of that, sealing your cursed presence.

More than a Curse (Gojo x fem Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora