Chapter Three: It's been a while

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10 years later 

Y/n's POV

I walked through the forest calmly. It was boring, I couldn't find another place like ten years ago since that attack. all the other places were being used by other curses and I really didn't like hearing about how they wanted to kill everyone and take over the world. Even though I thought it would be nice to do the same I still didn't want to hear about it. 

I looked up into the sky to see the sun shining down through the trees, " I guess I could go to town, but I can be scene and I'd have to talk to people." I thought out loud. I wonder where that man is, what was his name again? Gogo, nah Gojo that's what it was. 

I put my hands in my pockets as I walked through the forest, I hummed a random tune to break the silence that wandered the forest. Being alone could be boring at times, but it was better than worrying about someone. I noticed a building a little ways away, it was pouring with cursed energy, but it seemed to be cursed energy of weak curses. It would be good so I wouldn't have to waste my energy to make curses as protection. I started jogging toward the building.

Once I made it I looked at it, it sat in town but that was fine, it looked to be abandoned so I didn't need to worry about people. I ran inside and saw Curses wandering freely. 

"This should be good enough." I grew a smile as I walked through the building, I found an empty room and stepped inside. I took a seat against the back of the room, I was tired from wandering around for so long. I leaned back and closed my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.

 . . .

I woke to the sound of crashing, "Damnit are you kidding." I stretched as I stood up to see what was going on. I walked out of the room and looked around, The sound was coming from the steps right next to my room, and it was getting louder. 

I'm to tired to deal with this right now. 

"Curse technique: Blocker." I whispered so whatever it was couldn't hear me, at the top of the stairs a wall had formed keeping me a wall away from the enemy. I sighed as a sign of relief and walked back into the room and laid back down, "Now I can't go back to sleep." I sighed, "Oh well, I guess I can just walk around this floor for the time being." 

Gojo's POV

I sat with Fushiguro on the bench outside the building, we sat in silence as we waited for the other two to come out of the building. As I sat there, that's when I sensed it...

She's here, Ace

I could sense her familiar cursed energy, She must be in the building. What I was worried about was if she would get to Itadori and Nobara. No she wouldn't just fight would she? unless she was provoked maybe. 

"Hey, something wrong? Your quiet all of a sudden." Fushiguro asked. 

"We weren't talking to begin with." I answered looking over at him. 


I looked back over at the building, It's been a while...Ace. I smiled to myself just thinking of the last time when encountered each other, back then I was naïve but she still beat me, Finding a stronger opponent is exhilarating, she still has to be stronger than me, she needs to be.

Y/n's POV 

I wonder the empty floor, I noticed something catch my eye that was outside the window, I slowly inched toward the window as the wind blew toward me, it was like I was being pulled toward it, I looked out the window feeling completely relaxed as I looked at the familiar sliver-ish white hair that flowed so freely through the air, and the blindfold over his eyes...I felt my anger surface, the same anger I had when I fought him 10 years ago, he talked to with carelessness, and ignorance. But there was another feeling inside of me, it was faint a quick spark that made my heart skip a beat.

I brushed it off, but when he titled his upward to where I stood in front of a window, the spark was more than a spark now, it was like a small fire that I did my best to ignore. I stepped away from the window in confusion.

What is wrong with me? I have nothing but bad memories of this man, yet there's a feeling of content toward him?

I stepped even farther away, tripping over something and falling on my butt. The fall wasn't enough to bring me out of thought though, it just didn't make sense to me. 

Why is there Content toward this man? 

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