Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Up next will be Bella ... what will happen next?

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I picked up the plate of cake, walking to the elevators and rode up to MAC. I heard laughter in the small conference room. My stomach twisted, but walked toward the sound. I turned the corner, seeing Bella smiling at James and his hand was on her face while his other hand was braced by her hip. I watched, in horror, as he moved closer to her. The plate I was holding fell from my hands as I saw a repeat of the ultimate betrayal.

Bella was allowing James to ...

How could she? She was supposed to be different!

My heart shattered like the plate at my feet. I couldn't watch this. I turned on my heel and damn near sprinted back to the elevators. "Edward?" I punched the call button. The doors opened and I stepped inside. "Edward!"

I turned around, anger seething through me. "You're no different than she was," I sneered. "How could you?"

"Edward, I didn't do anything," she cried, tears falling down her cheeks. "I fell and hit my head on the table ... we were both getting slap happy. Emmett went to go get food ..."

"Fucking liar. You are a liar and a cheat," I growled. "I'm done. So fucking done. Tanya, she betrayed me. In a way, I expected it from her. You? Broke me." The doors closed and I fell to the ground as my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Nothing could put my heart back together. I was just a shell, an empty shell. I wasn't worthy of love. I wasn't worthy of life.

What was the point?


I raised my shaky hand to face and felt the tears on my face, on top of the goose egg that was forming on top of my forehead. What just happened?

"Man, Cullen needs to pull the stick out," James said coldly.

I whirled around, glaring at the man who had single-handedly ended my relationship. "You caused this," I sobbed.

"Oh, bull shit," James scoffed. "Cullen is a fucking pussy. I know that you two are together ..."

"Not anymore, James," I cried, interrupting him. "Because of your actions, you trying to kiss me, he just ended it. His ex-wife cheated on him in this office and now, it would appear that history had repeated itself." I stumbled, falling down, and leaning against the front receptionist desk. My heart was stammering against my ribs. I had broken him. James' actions had broken Edward. He looked so ... shattered.

The elevator doors opened and I hoped it was Edward, but it wasn't. Emmett stepped through, holding up bags from Portillos. "I have food," Emmett sang as he walked into the lobby. "What the fuck happened?"

"I tripped and fell. James helped me up and we were both slap happy. James thought it would be a good idea to try and kiss me. Edward saw that and ..." My voice cracked, curling myself up into a tight ball.

"James, you crossed a line," Emmett said, sitting down next to me and enfolding me in his arms. I leaned against him, gripping his shirt as allowed myself to fall apart.

"This is my fault? It's Edward who's a fucking nutcase!" James argued. "We've been pulling insane hours to get this advertising campaign done, Emmett. We still have a shit-ton of work to finish it ..."

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