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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Before getting into the epilogue ... a few words of appreciation ...

First off, thank you to Clo (HeartForTwilight) for the beautiful banner she made for me. She also let me use a few of her manipulations as inspiration for some of the juicier moments.

Secondly, thank you to Christina for betaing for me. I wrote the first few chapters for a fandom compilation and she wielded her red pen (cursor), covering for all my mistakes.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has come with me on this journey. I appreciate every review, every suggestion, and every person who has taken the time to read this story of Grinchward and Angelella.

So, the previous chapter was the final chapter of Falling for a Dark Soul. We now have the epilogue, which will be a few glimpses into their future. Where will they have their destination wedding? Will they give Katie a little brother or sister? What about MAC and everything else?

And without further ado ...

Chapter Thirty-Six: Epilogue


Six Months Later ...

"Here are the keys, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen," said the closing agent with a grin. "Congratulations and I hope you enjoy your new home."

"Thank you," Bella said, threading her fingers with mine. I kissed her temple, eager to take her to our new home in the Gold Coast and christen every flat surface. "Shall we go home, Mr. Cullen?"

"I think we should, Mrs. Cullen," I grinned.

We left the closing office, driving to the house we'd found that was going to be our forever. It was larger than Bella anticipated, but she loved the mix of modern and traditional. It was also near Katie's school and my parents' home, as well. Katie was with my parents while Bella and I were dealing with finalizing the purchase of our new home.

Our old home was being sold to David and Shaw. They hated their apartment, jumping at the chance to have something permanent. So, boxes filled the brownstone as we packed up our lives, preparing for our new beginning.

"Grinch, the car usually works better when you turn it on," Bella teased.

"Sorry, angel," I laughed, starting my Tesla. "Just thinking about the last few months."

"It's been pretty intense," Bella smiled as I backed out of the parking spot. "But, in a good way."

"I'm still shocked that Rose and Emmett came back married from their Bahaman vacation," I breathed.

"I think it's perfectly them," Bella shrugged. "They're happy."

"They are," I grinned. "I'm glad that they worked things out."

"Everything worked out, in the end," Bella said. "For everyone."

In addition Emmett and Rose getting married, there had been a number of changes at MAC. Bella had been promoted to a team leader by Rose and her human resources team, taking David as her senior executive. She hated leaving Alice's team, but she was too talented to not have her own team. Alice was also bummed to lose Bella and David, but had two rock stars who had interned at the company. Jasper was her senior executive and the two new hires took over as a graphic designer and junior executive.

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