Chapter Sixteen

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Up next will be Edward, some more fallout from the reappearance of the Wicked Witch of the West. He may have seemed okay, but seeing Tanya rattled him. We'll also get up to Christmas and introduce Bella to Carlisle and Esme.

Chapter Sixteen


After Bella dropped me off to pick up her sister, I went directly upstairs and I showered. Despite the intimacy and comfort I felt with Bella, I was still disconcerted that I saw Tanya. She was hanging off Laurent like a leech. She'd looked awful, with frizzy, bleached hair and a dress that was exceptionally indecent for the event she was attending. From her eyes, I could tell that she was as high as a kite. Even inebriated, she still managed to ruin the evening.


When I saw her, I could feel every emotion, every betrayal that she did to me over the course of our relationship and marriage. I could still imagine Tanya as she got fucked from behind by Jacob Black, desecrating my desk. Her moans were pornographic and my heart was broken into a million pieces. The woman who I thought was my forever had deceived me in more ways than one.

I thought I was over it. Over her. Seeing her last night, reopened emotional wounds and despite Bella's calming, loving presence, I was still struggling, even hours removed from the incident. I hated that my ex-wife had that much power over me. And, the harsh words she spat at Bella, belittling her appearance were beyond the pale. Bella was far more beautiful than Tanya ever could be. Bella's looks were ethereal, effortless. Even without makeup, Bella's looks were exquisite. I could be lost in her indulgent brown eyes for days. Her skin was pale, smooth and creamy. When I saw her without her shirt, I almost exploded with pleasure. Her body was soft and feminine and perfect.

The emotions I felt for Bella dwarfed what I felt for my ex-wife. I thought I loved Tanya. I know I didn't. Not even close.

Did I love Bella? Could I love her?

You already do, Cullen. You're just terrified to tell her.

Do you blame me?

I want to. I want her to know how I truly feel. After our dance, I did mouth the words, but I didn't say anything out loud. Fear prevented me from doing anything.

Shaking my head from my ruminations, I focused on my shower. After scouring my body and grimacing at my disgusting scars, I drove to pick up Sam from my parents' house. My mom smiled at me when I walked inside. I gave her a brief hug. "Edward, it's so good to see you. How was the launch party?"

I wasn't sure how to respond. I walked directly to Sam and pet behind his ears. "Hey, buddy," I murmured, pressing my forehead to his. "Were you a good boy?"

"Edward?" Esme whispered, crouching down next to me. "Talk to me, son. You look haunted."

I sat down next to my dog and sighed heavily. I stared at my dog, idly caressing his fur. Blowing out a breath, I sighed, "I saw Tanya yesterday."

Esme's face hardened and she pursed her lips. "What did that bitch want?" she sneered.

"She was at the launch party, hanging off one of the owners of the company we represented," I grumbled, running my fingers through Sam's fur. Sam must have realized my distress. He put his head on my lap, giving me a sweet doggy grin. I chuckled darkly, tickling under his chin. "Seeing her ... it just threw me. I managed to get through the event, but I was a ghost. Bella was the only one who managed to get through to me."

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