Chapter Seventeen

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Next chapter, it will be in Bella's POV for the MAC holiday gathering and the Christmas Eve celebration with their friends. The following chapter will be in Edward's POV, for Christmas Day at the Cullen's home. I haven't decided if the citrusy action will happen on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I do not want them to be interrupted, by ill-timed phone calls, the stomach flu, Katie having a bad dream or Sam scratching to go outside.

Chapter Seventeen


It felt so strange wrapping presents in Edward's condo without him there. The quiet was welcome, save for some music being piped through the sound system. Sam was curled up on the couch while I put a bow on one of Katie's presents from Santa, clearly happy to have me hanging out with him. Edward's furry friend was my shadow, but it was nice to have someone in the condo. Sam's presence reminded me that I wasn't home.

Don't make this a big deal. You're just in Edward's inner-sanctum. No worries, right?

Regardless of my feelings of weirdness, I was grateful to have a chance to finish my Christmas shopping. Being sick knocked me on my ass and took away time that I needed to help make Katie's first Christmas without her parents to be a special one. Regardless of that, there was an emptiness in my heart and understandably so. The first Christmas without our parents would undoubtedly be difficult, but so would Katie's birthday, a couple days after Christmas.

Crap, I still need to get her birthday presents and plan her party. I suck as a parent. Another thing to add to my never-ending to-do list. Son of a ...

"Sam, I think I'm done. Well, done for Christmas. Katie's birthday? Not so much," I huffed, putting the last present underneath Edward's tree. "The only person that I don't have a gift for is you. Do you want a juicy steak or a ginormous bone, buddy?"

He barked, his tail thumping on the pillow. I smiled, petting his head and standing up from my seated position on the floor. I picked up all of my trash, stuffing it into the garbage can in kitchen. I leaned against the counter, rubbing my chest and trying to keep the tears at bay. I had to be strong from my sister. I had to make things good for her.

Maybe, I can convince Alice to let me have an afternoon off so I could get a handle for Katie's birthday. Fingers are crossed. But, what should I do?

I was grateful for Edward's presence in my life. He'd become someone that I never realized I needed. Yes, he was my worst nightmare when we first met, but I realized it was just a façade, hiding his true pain from his horrific childhood. I saw who he truly was when we were alone or with Katie.

My heart, when he helped take care of me when I was sick? I saw a completely different side of him. I saw the fear in his eyes when he tried to cool me off. Granted, I was slightly delirious and embarrassed that my boyfriend was holding me, half naked, in the shower, covered in vomit, but I recognized his terror. It was the same thing I felt when Katie was diagnosed with bronchitis and I didn't know what to do. It was the same thing that I felt when I found out that my parents had been killed in a car accident.

That fear is fucking crippling.

Then, when I saw Katie curled in Edward's arms later that morning, I physically felt the love he had for her. His face was so relaxed as he gave her comfort, easing her pain from her bout with the stomach flu. It was all-encompassing, filling the room.

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