Chapter Thirteen

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Things are moving forward with our two favorite characters. Bella just couldn't wait to kiss him and now that the bridge has been crossed, they will be doing so a great deal more. We will finishing the date and the rest of the weekend in Bella's POV. We'll also get some Katie and Edward time.

Chapter Thirteen


I'd forgotten how awesome it was just to make out. Edward and I spent most of the early evening kissing on my couch. Our kisses were deep and tender, filled with so much emotion and care. My fingers were tangled in his soft hair while were lost in each other's embrace.

I was also turned on like crazy. My panties were ruined from kissing. His mouth was strong, soft, commanding and gentle. He held me like I was the most important thing in his universe.

I knew that we'd have to take things slowly. I was okay with that. Edward was obviously an amazing man, but he had been hurt like no person should ever be hurt. He had walls built so far up because of his history. Understandably so ... I had my own walls because of the death of my parents. I tried to see things in a positive light, but there were moments where I struggled.

Edward pulled back, hovering over me. His lips were so swollen, but his eyes were content. "I feel like I'm in high school," he quipped, brushing back an errant curl. He sat up, subtly adjusting his erection. I'd felt it against my thigh.

"I didn't date much in high school," I giggled. He helped me to sit up and I curled my legs as I faced him. "I was a bit of a nerd. But, I was thinking about how amazing it is just to kiss someone. No precursor to something else."

He blushed and smiled at me. "I agree, angel. Your lips are quite addictive."

"I hate to be a buzzkill," I said, grimacing. "But, I do need to put the peas back into the freezer."

"I think it's safe to say that those peas are going in the garbage," he chuckled. "We sat down at like five and it's almost nine."

"Four hours making out," I breathed. "That explains why my lips are tingling." I took Edward's hand and traced his veins. He shuddered. "Ticklish?"

"For obvious reasons, I never really allowed myself to be touched," he said. "I could hug my adoptive mother and shake hands, but casual touch like this? I would shy away from it. Feeling your fingers caress my skin? It's beyond anything I'd imagined. Even having sex was a bit of a struggle."

I blinked up at him. He insinuated that he'd been touched inappropriately. I never even thought of the ramifications of having sex. "Not everyone will hurt you, Edward. I don't want to. I just want to see you smile. I want you to feel good, feel loved." His lips quirked up into a crooked grin.

"When I started therapy, my doctor said that usually victims of sexual abuse either become promiscuous, using sex as currency or shy away from physical intimacy," he said quietly. "I leaned toward the latter. The only person I willingly shared myself with was my ex-wife."

I moved closer to him, sliding my arms around his neck. He pulled me into his lap, holding me to his body. "I wish I could take the pain that you've felt away, Edward," I whispered against his temple.

"You do, angel. With your tender smile, your gentle nature and your unending patience, I feel more ... at peace. It will take time for me to not have a cynical outlook of the world. But, I want to share so much with you," he said, his green eyes shimmering. "For now, I just want this."

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