Chapter One

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Story summary: Isabella Swan moved away from the world she's known, trying to move on from the loss of her parents and raising her baby sister, Katie. She's always seen the best in the world, but she's struggling in coping with all of the changes in her life. A new start was needed and she packed up, moving from the small town of Forks to Chicago to work as an advertising junior executive at Masen Advertising Corporation.

Edward Cullen, CEO of Masen Advertising Corporation, is a cold-hearted, uncaring, hateful asshole. An orphan and living in foster care until he turned fifteen, he was adopted by Carlisle and Esme Cullen. Edward struggled with forming relationships. All he wanted was a partner, a friend, a lover, a wife, a mother to his children. He lost his wife, Tanya, when she was found screwing his partner, Jacob Black, on his desk. She also shattered his heart, ending several pregnancies, even though Edward had pleaded to start a family.

What happens when Edward bumps into Bella in the hallways of Masen Advertising Corporation? Will she be the chink in his armor, shattering his carefully constructed walls? Or will he bring her into the darkness, shattering her optimistic view of the world? It's uncertain, but she's Falling for a Dark Soul.

Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort

Rating: M

Pairing: Edward/Bella

Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Falling for a Dark Soul

Chapter One


"Are we there yet, Bella?" whined my four-year-old sister, Katie. "I want to play. I gotta go potty, too."

"Ten minutes, Kit Kat," I responded, following the directions provided by my navigation system. "Can you hold it?"

"Yeah," she muttered. "Mommy would have stopped. I want Mommy."

"Me, too, kiddo," I said under my breath. I was grieving, lost at what to do with my sister and my life. I'd just finished my MBA, and was looking forward to making a new life for myself in Seattle, working for an advertising agency. But that changed with a phone call from the Chief of Police from Forks.

My mother, along with my stepfather, Phil, had died in a car crash. They were driving back from a date night and were hit by a log truck on the road back to the small town where I'd grown up, Forks. The truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel, trying to get back to his family. In reality, he'd pushed himself too far and took away mine, except for my baby sister, Katherine Marie Dwyer, who had been with a babysitter while they were out. I'd lost my father, Charlie Swan, before I could even remember. He'd died in a domestic violence call when I was a baby. He was shot to death by the man while my father tried to protect the wife, who died, as well. .

"Bella," Katie cried.

"We're here," I said, pulling up to the brownstone I'd purchased with the life insurance money from my mother's death. I'd tried to stay in Forks to keep things normal for Katie, but living in that house was like living with one foot in the grave. I couldn't stay there. I was floundering, personally and professionally. Working at Newton's Sporting Goods brought back too many memories from when I worked there in high school, none of them pleasant. I was too qualified for my job. In addition to that, I was dodging Mike's constant flirtations, despite the fact he was married to his high school sweetheart, Jessica Newton, née Stanley.

The man was a walking, talking sexual harassment suit.

If he touched my ass one more time ...

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