My Accidental Marriage Part 1

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Ugh....what the bloody hell?

I woke up to a severely pounding headache in a bed I was not familiar to.  No doubt about it, I had one whack of a hangover.  I was ready to hurl and paid attention to the fact that the bathroom was just a foot from the bed so I got up, noticed that I at least had on my unders, and coughed up what felt like everything I'd eaten for the last three days.  It was when I came up, however, and looked at my left hand that I let out a deafening scream, well, for a man at least.

On my left ring finger was a wedding ring.  How the fuck did it get there?  I'd broken up with my girlfriend, so I couldn't have married her.  Could I?  I heard a female voice humming in the kitchen, her body covered only by a sheet and her back end exposed.  Upon closer inspection I noticed her small, tight derriere was really quite a turn on.  Her long, flowing strawberry blonde hair was halfway down her back, and she had a skintone similar to Niall's, indicating she must have some Irish blood in her background.  But her humming also pointed out to me that she wasn't from the UK.  She was from somewhere in North America, but whether that was USA or Canada I couldn't tell.  Another throb from my head caused me to groan and give myself away, only for her to turn her head and look at me.  I was going to see the face of the woman I married.  Would she be plain?  Drop dead gorgeous?  A drag queen?

Woman: Ah, Liam, I see you're awake.  Here, eat this ramen noodle cup, they're great for hangovers.  I'm Sara, by the way.  Nice to finally meet you sober.  (giggles)

She's beautiful...

Liam: Uh, hi Sara.  Please tell me what I think happened last night due to getting hammered didn't happen.

Sara: Us getting married?  Yup, it did.  How much sex we had I have no idea, but we are legally married.  Got the rings and certificate to prove it.  This is just fucking great I've only been here a week and this happens!  What do I tell my friends back in Canada?  My parents?  Oh God.

Liam: Oh fuck.  This is a pickle for both of us isn't it?  With me if this gets out into the media - I don't know what to tell you.

I did know one thing, the guys were never going to let me live this one out, I could tell.

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