My Accidental Marriage Part 5

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Bloody hell, Sara and Billie are cousins and I'm Billie's new in-law.  Her fuckin' new in-law!  And Zayn is dating Billie!  If they marry - no, Liam, ya bloke, don't put that thought in your head.  You don't need it.  You really don't need it.  You don't need the big pile of shit you're in, either, but still you're here.  Harry started this mess, I pushed myself further, and now the media is chasing you into the pile of shit you're in.  Damn you, Styles, I'm going to bloody kill you for this!  Calm down, Liam, just calm down.  Face it, you're stuck in this rut now.  Sara will have to move in with you till all this blows over - if your hormones don't get the better of you first, that is...

I sat down on the couch between Sara and Ellie, and she was between me and Louis.  A snug fit on that couch, but we managed all the same.  Simon called People magazine and then left, leaving just us guys and gals.  It was easy to see though that Sara didn't feel comfortable there.  Out of all of us, she was the oldest person there, never mind the oldest woman.  She put on a brave face and act to hide it, but I could see it in her green eyes that she wasn't happy.  She did one hell of a good job doing it, though, because I think even her cousin Billie was fooled.  I almost was.  Then I realized, one other person wasn't, he was reading Sara like a book as much as me but said nothing so she could keep putting on the face: Niall.  I said nothing until he spoke to me himself, just to confirm my suspicions.

Niall: Lee, can I talk to ya fer a sec?  Alone?

Liam: Sure, no prob.  (sidesteps crowd)  What is it?

Niall: I think you and Sara should probably leave, for her sake.  I mean, you can tell she's uncomfortable here, she's just puttin' on a face to hide it all.  You know that, I know that, but I don't think everyone else does.  Billie told me that she and Sara can be like matching magnet ends in a lot of topics in life but when it comes to others they're like chaulk and cheese.  Billie's a player of baseball, Sara just likes to watch the sport and go to the games.  Billie is somewhat of a diamond in the rough while Sara is as polished as the diamond in her ring the best of the time.  Even in a t-shirt and jeans with just a bit o' lipstick she's as great looking as a model.  You can see what I'm sayin' here Liam?  She's just not comfortable here, even if Billie is only seven years younger than her, it can still be a big difference Lee.

Liam: Okay, okay Niall, I get your point, you don't need to incessantly babble it out to me.  You're right, there is a difference between seven years, and Lexie's twenty-eight, and Jan is twenty-three.  No wonder why she's uncomfortable here.  I'll just have to take her - *gulp* - home.  But first, a trip to the hotel where she's registered to get her stuff.  Oh God, this is becoming so hard.

Niall: On what level?

Liam: I'm married to a woman I find incredibly hot, Niall.  It's hard to keep my eyes off her.  And yet while I'm in public I HAVE to...

I got ready to take Sara home.  She was talking about the times she and Billie did this thing and that, and some of those stories - most of them, actually - were being told by Billie.  To top it off, Sara was looking rather embarrassed listening in to the tales.  She clearly didn't want to be there.  Frankly, neither did I.  For some reason, I wanted to rather be with Sara alone more than be with those clowns this day.  I never really thought of them that way before, but it was just too hard on my nerves this time, minus Niall's consideration for us.  I came up with an excuse to leave and went over to Sara.

Liam: Sara, I'm feeling a little light headed, I'm gonna have to head home.  Coming?

Sara: Sure Liam, besides, I have some things to pick up.

Billie: Oh, like what?

Sara: This and that in the way of groceries, Billie.  Liam and I discovered there's not much food around, nosy ass!

Billie: Okay, touchy touchy.

Louis: Too bad you two couldn't stay longer, it would've been nice to get to know you more Sara.

Sara: Don't worry, Louie, you'll be seeing plenty of me.  Trust me.  See you all later!  See ya round, cuz, call me, you have my cell number, it's still active, hasn't been changed yet!

Billie: Will do!

Liam: See you ASAP, Louie.

Louis: See ya round, Lee!

We said nothing to each other until we were inside the lift and the doors had closed.  At that point, Sara started laughing and I had to find out what exactly she was laughing about.  I'm usually not that nosy over things like this, but I just had to know what the laughter was over.  She looked at me, looked down at my pants, and then laughed harder, turning her head towards the lift wall.

Liam: What, what's so funny?

Sara: You have to give me a sec, I have to calm down.

Liam: Take your time.

Sara: *sigh* Okay.  Your zipper is down and Lil' Liam is poking through!

Liam: What? (looks down) Aw, geez, two stiffies in one day!  Damn it all!

I slowly zipped up my pants so not to end up hurting the stiffie, or as Sara had just refered to it, Lil' Liam, and carefully rubbed it facing away from the video camera.  It was one annoyance to get it while I'm just meeting her, but while I was in the lift on the way down to the hall to get the Hummer, that was bad enough!  I looked at Sara, who was looking like she was in bad need of a coffee, and for that matter so was I, so I got the idea in my head to take her to a Starbucks.  They do, after all, have some of the strongest coffee I know of.

Liam: Say, Sara, how about we head over to the nearest Starbucks and I'll get us both some coffee?

Sara: Mochaccino, extra foam, skim milk, with cinnamon and chocolate shavings. 

Liam: You don't love your coffee now, don't you?

Sara: What can I say, I'm a coffee-holic and a chocoholic.  I'm an addict to cinnamon and I love milk.  Why not have it all together?

Liam: And I thought their lattes were delish.  Add a brownie oat bar to that and that'd be really yum.

Sara: Lee, you've read my mind!  Onward to Starbucks!

Liam: Indeed, onward!

I felt my stiffie going down as we drove to Starbucks.  We had so much better a conversation there than at Louie's, we even played it off well as "husband and wife" holding hands, looking at each other, giving each other the appropriate pet terms at the right times.  Sara's a good actress, gotta say.  Then we went to the hotel to get her things (so much stuff!) and then finally, to my place.  To OUR place.  I felt myself getting dizzy.  For real.  And only when I looked at Sara.  My stomach felt like it had butterflies in it.  It felt somewhat...familiar...

Dear God, Liam, it's happening to you again - you're falling in love with Sara!  Bloody hell, what do I do now?  If this is only one way, what will I do?

My Accidental Marriage a Liam Payne fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now