My Accidental Marriage Part 3

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 Oh shit, bloody lovely, now what do I do?

I gulped hard. That damn blabbermouth Harry Styles spilled the beans to Simon Cowell, I was sure of it.  I was screwed.  I wanted to strangle him, no, throttle him.  I text Louis in a panic.

                     Louie, don't let the news about me reach Simon!


I hit the "Send" button.

Please reach Louie fast, please reach Louie fast!

One minute later the cell phone rang.

Liam: Louie, thank God, I wasn't sure you were going to answer first.  Please tell me Harry didn't blab to Simon about what happened?

Louis: Hate to burst your bubble, Lee, but Blabbermouth Styles has struck again.

Liam: Fuck it, that asshole!  Ooh, when I get my hands around his thick little neck - ARGH, Harry had to spill to Simon of all people.  What else is new?

Louis: Heh heh, you'd be surprised Liam.  Si got pissed off at Harry for blabbing and ripped into him!  You should've been there, Lee, it was priceless.  Watching Harry try to outrun Simon?  Just ace, I'm telling you, just totally ace.

Liam: Simon chasing Harry around?

Louis: Like a total gorilla.  Even Zayn couldn't stay upright.  And Niall?  He fell right off the couch.  Too bloody funny, Lee, you missed it all!

Liam: Yeah, well, I've got my own problems to deal with, remember?

Louis: Right, the wedding bit.  Well you can always get an annulment, right?  That can't be too hard.

Liam: Bloody harder than you know.  Sara called the courts discreetly while I was still asleep and told them the situation.  Apparently, we have to wait thirty days before we can have that done, and we have to really want it still at the end of that time.  I'm fucked Louie, thirty days with that beauty?  I'm totally in over my head, totally screwed.

Louis: Ah, so that's her name, I couldn't remember it.  We were a little hammered last night too, you know.  Although I don't think we were as bad as you!

Liam: Louis William Tomlinson, you're not helping!

Louis: Sorry mate.  So, you've sort of developed a thing for this Sara.  Does she know?

Liam: Not that I know.

Louis: I see.  Well, she can't be too much older than you, right?

Liam: Try thirty-seven.

Louis: Blimey!  You married THAT?  Wow, Liam, you're really in over your head.  Never mind Simon ripping into Harry, he'll REALLY lay into you if he finds this out.

Liam: Granted that Styles hasn't done that yet.

Louis: Yeah.  Well, anyway, you and Sara your new bride can come over for a visit if you want, Ellie's here today - you do know what I mean by "here", right?

Liam: Yeah, yeah, I know, your flat.

Louis: Okay then, see you in an hour or so! (click)

I finished getting dressed in what I was wearing the previous night (we were in a hotel after all, and mind you not the best) and waited for Sara to emerge from the washroom.  I was expecting her hair to be pulled up in a ponytail and for her to be dressed in some hang-around-the-house kind of clothes.  It is after all easy to forget a person's age when they don't look it.  I got a good shock instead.  Sara emerged looking like she belonged on the cover of Vogue or Elle magazine, wearing a black ensemble she had to just thrown together out of her closet that was oh so perfect: a black lace top with a see-through neckline and sleeves, a black leather mini skirt and black peep toe shoes with heels that had to be at least five inches, bringing her to my height, which meant she was five feet ten inches tall.  Her strawberry blonde hair was hanging halfway down her back, and she was wearing red lipstick that had to be an expensive brand.  She was a total knockout.

Breathe, Liam, don't forget to breathe!

Liam: Wow, I mean, Sara, you look great...

Sara: Thanks, you're looking rather dapper yourself.

Liam: Well, shall we?

God love Niall, he'd brought my Hummer to where we were staying.  At least HE knew where we were.  Before Sara and I left we made one agreement: keep off the wedding rings until things are cleared up.  We weren't sure if we were gonna stay married to each other yet, so the rings stayed off.  Simon's word would be the final judgment.  On the way to my house so I could change my clothes, we discussed our favorites.  Big sports lover, check.  Loves crime dramas, check.  Sitcoms by Chuck Lorre, check.  Britcoms, check.  Addicted to the Internet, check.  Likes Murdoch Mysteries, check.  Bloody hell who couldn't like that one, even me and the guys like that.  On the way to Louis', however, things got oddly quiet.  Neither one of us could say a word to each other.  From my house (to which Sara chose to stay in the Hummer) to the Hummer to the lift in Louis' building to his door, things were oddly silent.  I got ready to face Simon.  This was going to be hard.  As the old saying goes, it was time to face the music, and it wasn't going to be nice.

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