My Accidental Marriage Part 11

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The first week went by with a flash.

The second week flew even faster.  And yet it seemed like time just stood still for me and Sara.

Week three went through a different series of events.  First, Sara kept feeling confused for a reason she couldn't explain.  Next, by Tuesday, we were waking up late together.  I only know that from the dogs barking to Niall coming through the door to get me out of the bed because my cell phone wasn't receiving Simon's texts fast enough and no one heard the phones ring.  It was on Thursday that Sara started vomiting, thinking she might have come down with something.  Saturday, I woke up to the sound of her hurling in the lieu and a sort of strange scream.  It was almost...happy and frightening at the same time.  I got ready to get out of bed to investigate it all only to see Sara come out jumping up and down, happily.

Liam: Sara, sweetheart, what on earth are you doing?

Sara: Come and take a look!

She was holding something in her hand, I couldn't make out what it was.  I went and stood by her right side only to see what looked like some kind of pee stick.

No.  Not a pee stick, a pregnancy test.  A home pregnancy test.  And it read positive.

Sara was pregnant.  I was going to be a dad.  Me, a DAD!  I stared at it and started to breathe heavy.  Not to the point of hyperventilation, mind you, but I was pretty thrilled.  I was going to have a child in my life, my own flesh and blood.  My.  Own.  Child.  A little Liam or Sara to love.  I sat back down on the bed and put my hand to my head.

Sara: Lee, you okay?

Liam: You're pregnant.

Sara: Uh huh.

Liam: There's a little Liam or Sara inside you.  That we made together...

Sara: Yeah.  We're gonna be parents...

Liam: Yeah.  Think we should tell everyone just yet?

Sara: Well they're gonna ask soon enough.  And you know what Harry's like when it comes to keeping secrets, just like Jan, they were perfectly matched.

Liam: Agreed there.  Well then, how about instead of doing the usual trip over to Louie's flat, we have everyone come over here?  We can make the announcement then and when things get too much for you we can boot them out.

Sara: (giggles) You're on, hun.  Well, I've got to get up, I have some shopping to do.

Liam: Didn't you already do some, like, say yesterday?

Sara: Yes, but I'm going to need some maternity clothes, too.  After all, this belly of mine's gonna get big Lee!  (giggles)

Liam: Well then, here.  (grab his wallet)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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