My Accidental Marriage Part 6

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Okay, Liam.  You're living with Sara now.  Get used to it.  Well, she's living with you 'cause it's your house but still, the two of you are together.  God, she's beautiful.  She'd probably look great in a pair of yoga pants and a matching top, who knows.  She was the best looking gal at Louie's today.  She should've been heading over to the magazines for a shoot.  She doesn't deserve any of this torture she's being forced into.  Aw, Liam me lad, you've got to do something to help her...

I was going to see how Sara was doing in the bedroom, she was taking so long, it hadn't taken her this long earlier to change into her clothes.  I walked in only to see her sitting on the bed, dressed in yoga gear (like I thought she might be) and on her cell phone, tears running down her face.  The news couldn't have been good.  Her abdomen was tight and wrenching, and she was bending over, sobs coming out with full sound that I had to find out why she was crying so much.

Liam: Sara, are you alright?  I was wondering -

Sara: One sec, Liam, I have to finish this call...

Liam: You go ahead then, I won't force you, I'll just feed the dogs.

The dogs I was refering to were my Shih Tsu, Mina, and my Rottweiler, Max.  Both were really happy to see me when I popped in the door,  and also very hungry, so I gave them some special foods I had made for them and went to the fridge to get myself a beer - not that I needed it after the hangover I'd just recovered from - and sat on the couch to wait for Sara to come out from the bedroom.  I'd get the details from her then.  The only thing was, she didn't.  I placed the bottle on the counter and went to see what was wrong.

Liam: Sara?  Sara what's wrong?  I didn't hear from you so I had to come and check on you again.

Sara: *sob* Oh God, Liam, I am SO in over my head!

Liam: What do you mean?

Sara: I got a call from my parents back home.  They've heard the news.  Dad's furious with me, Lee, he told me off and called me every thing he could think of, while Mom tried to defend me, and the whole call ended horribly.  I don't know what to do, Lee, the only family I have here in London, let alone the whole UK is Billie, and she's not in the mood to hear my problems right now, I know it.

Liam: Now you don't know that, Sara, she might be willing to come over and lend an ear for you.

Sara: No. *sob* I know Billie.  Seven years between us, remember?  I used to babysit her, I know her like the back of my hand.  *sob*  She won't want to come over unless it's for the same reason she's over at Louie's.  I just don't know what to do, Liam, I just don't know what to do...*sob*

Liam: Shh, it's okay Sara, it's okay, come here, I'll hold you for a while if you want.

Sara: *sniff* No, that's okay, Lee, maybe if I do some yoga it'll help me release some stress.  Oh, by the way...

Liam: Yeah?

Sara: Before the phone call I got a big slurp over by those canines of yours.  Friendly couple of things, they are.  And very playful!

Liam: That's my pups!  Always lovable.  You go ahead and do your yoga routine, I'll watch some tele for a while, okay?

Sara: Sure.  I found my mat, so I'll be out on the deck if you need me.  Or if I need you.  You know how it goes.

Liam: Definitely.  See you when you're done.

No sooner had Sara gone out onto the deck than I heard a knock on the door.

Bloody hell, can't a man get any peace around here?  Who the fuck could that be?

So I answer the door.  And the winner is...

My Accidental Marriage a Liam Payne fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now