My Accidental Marriage Part 10

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I knew Sara was up to something.  I just couldn't tell what.  Every few seconds, minutes, whatever, she'd take her I Phone out of her purse and look at it idly, and then look at me the same way with a giggle that as much of a turn on as it was, I couldn't help but wonder what she had planned.  And I also had to keep my eyes on the road too, part of the time she was doing it we were in the Hummer, after all.  We made our way over to Louie's.  The whole time, from our house to the Hummer to the lift to Louie's door, Sara kept doing this.  We finally made our way to Louie's flat, and so I knocked on the door and stepped back some, so as not to get barreled over when he answered the door.  He has a tendency to do that from time to time.  As Sara and I listened carefully, we heard a loud "fuck" come from behind it, as well as some kind of tumbling noise we had yet to identify yet.  When the door opened, Louie was bending over, rubbing his front end somewhat, but smiling all the same, ready to say hi to us both, despite his grunts and groans.  It was a miracle he never clobbered us upon entry with the door.  I never noticed that Sara had already taken out her I Phone again. 

Louis: Liam, me lad!  Sara!  Come in, come *argh* in!

Liam: Trip up in the carpet again, Louie?

Louis: (blushing) Yeah.

Sara: Hurt the balls?

Louis: *mmph*  Sadly, yes.

Sara: (takes boots off)  Okay, let me through.  Lemme through.

Liam: Can't wait to see what she's up to with the...flash...on...oh God, Sara!

As soon as I saw the flash on I knew what Sara was going to do.  She was going to take a picture of Zayn and Billie in the act in the bed together on her I Phone.  I both wanted to stop her and let her do it at the same time.  Sara was too fast, however, and the next thing I knew I saw a flash come from the bedroom followed by one naked Zayn chasing after her straight out into the living room, to which I couldn't help but laugh, the sight was too much not to.  The chase was followed by a naked Billie covered in nothing but a bed sheet scooting across the floor in her bare feet, doing what she could to get Zayn back in the bedroom, with little chance of that happening.

Zayn: Gimme that fuckin' thing!

Sara: Nyuh uh!  No way!  (giggles)

Zayn: I said gimme!

Sara: (laughing) Don't you and Billie want to see your reactions to the door opening to the camera?  I'll delete it then, I promise.

Billie: She'll do it, Zayn bear, Sara always has been a woman of her word.  Right cuz?

Sara: Of course I am!  I wouldn't just take the pic and then leave it on my phone, I'm not STUPID, I mean, come on Zayn, I've done some dumb things in my college days like play beer pong till I got drunk but I'd never do that to you, think!

Zayn: Okay, okay, let me and Billie-kins see the pic and then you HAVE to delete it, okay?

Harry: "Billie-kins?"  Oh, Malik, you know I'm never gonna let you live this one out!  And Zayn bear?  Ooh, kissy kissy -

Zayn: Why you little fucker, Styles!  Come 'ere!

Louis: Hold on, now, if you're gonna do a chase, here, cover up.  (gives Zayn a bathrobe)

Zayn: Thanks, mate.  Now come 'ere, Harry!

Liam: Um, the pic?

Mentioning the pic seemed to put Zayn back on track.  He whipped his head back in my and Sara's direction, curious of what that pic that she'd taken might look like.  He took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and came over to see the shot that Sara had taken.

My Accidental Marriage a Liam Payne fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now