Chapter 8 (Apologizes)

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Here is chapter 8.

Mason's p.o.v

When Luka called telling me that Olivia was at the Russian Mafia's home. I was really confused as to why she would ever be there. I hurt Olivia and yelled at her, I pushed her away from me because she wanted to go to school and I wasn't going to let her since it's dangerous but maybe I can make it safer. She's in the arts I can't take that away from her. I'll do better for her. I'll do everything in my power to make her happy and when she started to freak out and she told me to never let go, I wanted to break to sit and cry, I had truly hurt the one woman I promised I wouldn't.

Right now I'm in my office and my queen is sleeping soundly I believe. She is a sound sleeper. A few weeks ago we were doing construction to add a new building for more space and they were so loud and when it's 6:40 in the morning and quite loud to your ears. I woke up immediately and she was sleeping through and didn't stir, groan, or switch positions laid on her stomach the entire time. While I was so annoyed and tired.

"Boss?" I heard a knock at my office door.

"Come in." I said stunningly as I finished my signature on a paper.

"Luka called and he wants to talk about treaties, he's on line 2." James said he was the secretary I guess you could say. "Also Olivia woke up and is downstairs eating would you like me to send her up here?"

"No I'll be down shortly to get her. Thank you James." I said and picked up the phone.

"Luka?" I asked

"Mason I thought we could discuss a treaty so we could have civil relations in our business shall I say."

"Yes of course Luka I'll have my lawyer create something and send it over for you to look over." I tell him.

"That sounds wonderful Mason. We will talk soon." Luka says then hangs up.

I sort my papers quickly and write a note to contact my lawyer. I scurry down the stairs to go see Olivia. She was cooking food, didn't James say she was eating.

"Olivia? What are you cooking?" I ask as I hug her from behind.

"I'm making pancakes and brownies. Yes I know I'm weird but I was so hungry for brownies, I'm making your pancakes. I didn't think you had eaten since you weren't there when I woke up. Plus I just wanted to make your food so you'd want to keep me around and." She said before I cut her off of what she was saying.

"Stop, I want you, I was wrong to yell at you and say what I said." I started " I know that I fucked up and I am so sorry, there is nothing I would want to do to jeopardize our relationship, Babe. I love you, I can't feel the way I felt when you left me ever again." She looked at me with wide eyes and surprised I said I love you. She turned her body away from me and a rush of fear washed over me. She then hurdled her body towards me jumping on me and kissing me passionately.

"I love you so much and I'm sorry for leaving but I had to in my eyes." She said "Just don't push me away I'll always be there for you Mason. You just have to talk to me." She kissed me again.

"I will it just might take me some time, no one has ever cared about me before Olivia," I hugged her and talked into her chest. "I look at myself and see a monster, someone that no one would ever care about. I just want to be able to feel and understand things."

"I know baby and it's hard at times but your so strong, you have an entire Mafia below you, You work around the clock, and you don't think anyone cares about you?" she started " You are a powerful and strong man your a protector and your everything I dreamed of plus the anger issues."

"I love you." I said to her.

"I love you too." she said holding me tightly.

Hi, guys, I hope you enjoy this, I'm going to be getting a new computer soon and I'm so excited. I hope you all have a nice day or night for the people who read at 3 a.m.

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