Chapter 9 (Kidnapped Again)

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Olivia's p.o.v.

After the heartfelt moment that took place last night,  Mason and I slept in the same bed with him sleeping on me like a baby. I held him and he never moved an inch scared I was going to leave him, talking to him felt nice even though it was sad. I will never know if all those feelings are true but I need to trust him somehow.

Mason was peacefully asleep and I was exhausted mentally and emotionally and much-desired sleep. I couldn't fall asleep though something was keeping me up. I could just feel the presence of something standing in the room but I also couldn't move exhausted.

I suddenly felt sleepy and laid down and closed my eyes and then came shouting and yelling but I was so tired I didn't get up, I couldn't get up. And then everything went black.

3 hours later

I felt something dripping on me. Drip. Drip. Drip. Over and over again. I didn't have enough energy to open my eyes. Finally, I felt like I could open them and I instantly regretted that. There was hardly any light but from what I could see there was blood on the wall and chains that glimmered in the light. I wanted to scream for help but, I realized that this was going to be an issue because obviously someone took me.

"Hello." I whispered into the room. No one answered then I heard a door opening. It was creaky and loud.

"You know Olivia you aren't a very smart woman are you?" Someone asked. "Well you precious girl, Mason won't save you now." Shit don't tell me I'm where I think I am, please don't let it be Luka, anyone else but Luka. He started walking down the stairs and every footstep was so heavy. "You know, your Mason has been so worried about you he hasn't been keeping up with his gang very well. That's why it was so easy to get to you both. But we didn't want Mason we just wanted you, Olivia."

"Why do you want me?" I asked in a calm voice.

"Well, we want your parents to come out of hiding. Vashi roditeli mertvy." He spat.

"What do you mean, they died years ago?" I asked, now a little concerned for his sanity.

"Well you see, you're parents didn't die that day and in fact, they have been following you around for years making sure their baby is safe. You should really ask your sister more. moya lyubov'." He said.

"What do you mean, they can't be alive, why would they do that?" I questioned trying my hardest to stay calm.

"Your parents were involved in the mafia specifically the Italians, but they have connections all over the world. In all of the mafia's. And you, my dear, are the one that is going to be the one to bring them out of hiding." He said.

"How are you going to do that?" I ask.

"You are going to be at an auction and sold, well not really sold because I will kill everyone but, all the ones you love are going to be there wanting to bid on you. Only for it to be a trick." He said smirking.

"Your plan isn't going to work," I said.

"Why is that exactly?" he spat at me.

"Because why would they wait, why not come now, why not already be here?" I question him in a threatening tone. He quickly picks me up off of the dirty ground and holds a gun to my throat. While he was close to me, I grabbed the key out of his pocket. "You see you have no power here. AT ALL!" He yelled. "You are mine, you will bear my children and you will live in this life of misery till I decide when you die. Could be now could be in 20 years. We will have to wait to see." He turned around and walked away slamming the door behind him.

I slid back to the floor and started to cry. They are alive, how could they be alive after all this time why would they be alive and do nothing to contact me. Nothing.

I was angry, so fucking angry how could they do this to me to my siblings and lie to everyone that cared about them. If I make it out of here alive I never want to talk to them again how could they do this to our family. And Taylor knows all about this, how could she do this.

Now it was time to find a way out, make a plan. Not get killed. Or worse. 

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