Chapter 2

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     "We need to go to the weapon room. I need to check on Beetee, then we need to check on Katniss' family. Then mine, you can meet Rory, he's nice. You might like him too", Gale says, walking quickly down the hall, me following closely behind.

    "Okay, but Gale", I say, stopping in the middle of the hallway. He keeps walking. "Gale!". He turns around. "Calm down. Everything is gonna be okay". I walk up to him and give him a smile. He sighs and shakes his head.

    "You don't know that!", he replies. I take his hand and he looks into my eyes. I smile at him. "I just, can't afford to think like that Ali". I smile at the name. No one, and I mean no one calls me anything other than Aj.

    "What is there to lose? Positivity makes a world of difference. Trust me. Believe or not, I was once in a dark place but guess what? I found the raaaiiinnnbboooowww!", I say. He laughs lightly and I let go of his hand. "I like your laugh, I also like when you call me Ali". He smiles and turns around and starts walking again, slower this time.

   We walk into the weapon room and I see a man sitting in a wheel chair. "Heeeeyyy!", I greet the stranger. The man looks up and looks at me weird. Gale just shakes his head and goes to stand by the man.

    "She's a little loopy, whatcha got for me?", Gale says to the man, looking at the computer infront of them. I cross my arms and frown. I am not loopy! I'm simply energetic and happy! I skip over to the computer and look at it.

    "Woaaahh...what's that?", I ask, pointing to the screen. I look closer, so close that my head hits the screen. "Ouchy!!!". Gale chuckles and I back up, rubbing my head. I notice Beetee looking at Gale, his face a hint of astonishment.

     The man shakes his head, looking back at the screen. Gale asks him what's wrong. "I don't think I have ever heard Gale Hawthorne laugh, like at all", he says, not turning around to look at us. Gale looks down, still smiling a little. A blush forming on his face.

    "We need to go. We have other things to do. Let's go al- Aj", Gale says, almost calling me Ali. Gale walks off before Beetee can say anything. I wave to Beetee and skip out the door. "The thing on the computer was supposively the place where Peeta Mellark is. You do know who that is right?".

    "Woo! That gorgeous piece of blonde? Yes honey, I know who that is!", I say. Gale looks at me with a "You've gotta be kidding me" expression. I giggle and Gale just shakes his head. "Okay, go on. I wanna know more. Can you guys go get him? Or naaaww?".

     "Um, Naw?", he replies. I laugh loudly and he looks at me and I cover my mouth, still laughing a little. "No, we can't go get him. It isn't safe. Do you know nothing about the capitol?". I shrug and we get to the housing room things and he knocks on one of the doors.

     A woman, probably in her early 40's opens the door. She smiles when she sees Gale. "Hey momma, how are you guys?", he says. The woman opens the door so we can go in. Gale takes my hand and leads me into the room.

    "GALE!", A boy, probably a couple years younger than me says, putting down a doll that he was showing a small little girl. Gale smiles at him and then the boy notices me. His smile fades. RUDE! I'm awesome too!

    "Rory, this is Aj", Gale says motioning to me. I smile and wave at him.

   "Wow, she's hot", he says, laughing a little. I look at him weird. I start to turn around and walk off but I notice the little girl looking at me.

    "First off", I say to the boy. "It is incredibly rude to call a girl hot. Ok? You'd think your older brother would have taught you some manners". His mom looks at me, her expression showing me that she's impressed. "No offense. I'm sure Gale is an incredible older brother". I nod my head, ending my argument and turn to leave the room.

    "Wait", I hear a small voice say. I turn around and see the little girl holding a doll in her hand and looking at me with pleading eyes. "Do you wanna play dolls with me?". I smile and nod my head, walking over to her.

    "Actually, we have to go check on the Everdeens. Maybe some other time", Gale says from behind me. I give the girl a small smile and she shrugs, looking back down at her doll. I give her a hug and Gale walks out and I follow him out.

    "You're really good with kids", he says. I shrug and we walk down the hall to another room. He knocks on the door and a young girl opens the door. I automatically recognize her.

   "You helped my arm! Ooo! HI!", I say. She smiles at me then looks at Gale, her smile fading. Well then. Someone is trying to show Gale that she is more mature than me and I don't like it one bit. Oh god, please don't think I'm jeaous.

   Cause I'm not

  I don't like him.


 Not at all.

 I look at Gale, noticing how his lips move when he talks. And how his eyes are so pretty and how when he seems to be talking about something that is important to him, he has this specific look on his face.

  Okay, maybe I do like him.


   I look back at him and notice he's looking at me.


   Maybe I like him...

  A lot..


Let me be your life changer ~A Hunger games fanfiction~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant