Chapter 1

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      I look inside Katniss Everdeen's infirmary room. I see the boy who has been with her the whole time. I smile at the two. They must be a couple. I wanna have what they have. But the boys from D13 aren't sweet or anything. It isn't like being a butt head is a rule sweetie. Nope, not at all. What was I doing here? Oh yeah!

   I step inside the infinrmary room and the boy meets my eyes. I smile at him, not able to stop myself. He's just so... gorgeous. He has amazing eyes. His features are perfect. He seems perfect. Completely perfect. "Hey", I whisper.

    "Hey", he replies. I walk over to him and stand beside him, he continues to look down at her. He's sitting on the edge of her bed. My hand twitches to touch his hair. But I keep my hands by my side. He doesn't say anything so it's silent.

    "So, what's her story?", I ask, trying to stop this awful silence. He looks up at me in confusion. Then shakes his head. Then starts to tell me how she was in the games. "Oh I know that! But, that isn't her real true story. That's what Snow made her out to be. There's something beyond that, there always, awlays is". He shrugs and sighs, standing up.

   He leads me out of the room and we continue to walk. Then he stops and turns to me when we reach a room. "What is it any of your buisness?", he asks harshly. I just smile at him. Not getting angry, or sad. I understand. I do. I've been through it.

    "I just wanna know what she's like. The real her", I reply. He looks down and I rock on my heels like a child. Then he looks up and I stop. Woops. Caught in a child act. Wouldn't be the first time, that's for sure.

    "She's annoying", A loud voice from behind us says. The boy rolls his eyes and I turn around. "I'm Haymitch", he says when he reaches us.  The stinch of alochol hits me hard and I almost fall. Woops, clumsy is my middle name. Actually Jane is my middle name but who cares.

    "Katniss is a fighter. Someone who you can rely on forever and ever. She is not annoying, she's caring and curious", the boy replies to the man, Haymitch. I look between the two and step back, not wanting to be in the middle of it. By the middle of it, I mean fighting, not the conversation. I am definitely gonna get in the middle of that. Duh.

    "Katniss is an idiot. She's a child", Haymitch replies. "She is an immature child and you know it, Gale". So his name is Gale. That's a really cute name for a cute boy, not gonna lie. I groan and get their attention.

   "You two aren't giving me the story I wanna hear! I wanna know her story. Who she is, her thoughts, what she likes to do. Not what your opinions are her are", I reply. Gale look to Haymitch and Haymitch looks to me. Then they start telling me about her.

    She volunteered for her sister. She didn't wanna go. But she did. Her "act of definance" was an act of "love". At this point Gale chimed in, saying it wasn't love, she just didn't wanna kill Peeta. Woah. Someone is surely jealous. They argue about that then go on.. Telling me how she didn't want any part of this. Now she's here.

   "I'm not gonna lie. She does sound stupid. But stupid caring", I say. Gale smiles, but just a little, and nods in agreement. Haymitch laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Dude, get sober, then we can hug". Gale shakes his head, but I can tell he is still smiling.

   Am I starting to make the broken boy better?

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