Chapter 3

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     The next day I decide to switch my hair up a bit, putting it in a high pony tail. I swing my head back and forth, causing it to swing, which makes me laugh. Do not judge me. I have nothing better to do. I hear a cough at the door and turn around too see. "If you're done admiring yourself, I need you to come with me", Haymitch says. I pulls my pony tail tighter and shrug, then follow him out.

   "So.. where we going?", I ask, following him down somewhere that is very new to me. I'm usually not allowed anywhere out of that section. I guess they just don't trust me. Haymitch doesn't answer me, just leads me further and further away from my section.

   He finally stops at a door and turns to face me. "You ready to meet Katniss Everdeen and President coin?", he asks. I gasp and put my hand over my mouth. "Just calm down and try not to fall over, ok?'. I nod my head and he leads me into the room. When we enter, everyone turns to face us. I see Gale, and the woman who Haymitch has mentioned can get under his skin, I see Coin and the man in the wheel chair. Then the 75th hunger games game maker, the one who saved some of the tributes. Then, Katniss.

   "Ah, Ms. Alison Jane, please, come in", the game maker says. I believe his name is Plutarch Heavensbee. I sit down in the seat beside Gale and he doesn't look at me, his eyes stay on Katniss. Well, nice to see you too Hawthorne.

   "We've called Miss Jane here because we need her. The girl is small but according to Beetee, she's has a positive attitude, which is what we all need", Coin says. I smile lightly. Why thank you. "She will not be in war but will be treated just as anyone else will. She will ALWAYS stay with Soldier Hawthorne if she is to leave d13 at all times, Soldier Hawthorne, do you promise to take care of her?".

   "Yes Ma'am, she will be my responsibility", he says. Well okay!

   "Wonderful, Miss Jane, you will now be known as soldier Jane", she says. Ew no. I guess she sees my reaction. "Soldier AJ?". I nod and I swear I think I see her lips almost twitch into a smile. "Soldier AJ, because she won't in fact be a soldier like Gale or one of the others, she will never be in battle, and if she is Gale, you do everything to protect her, as for the others, do everything to protect Katniss, everyone clear?'. Everyone nods. Do you accept our request Soldier AJ?". I nod and she nods. #nodding twins. The meeting ends and we all leave the room.

    I find Gale talking to Katniss so I decide to eaves drop. "I'm sorry Catnip just Coin said it is my job, you know I can't define her", He says to her. She just shakes her head and walks off. He turns to me and catches me looking. He walks by me. "Follow me".

    I follow behind him and he leads me into the section and takes me to my room. He enters with me and closes the door behind us. "You're apart of the Mocking jay team now Ali, do you know what this means?", he asks. I shake my head. "IT MEANS YOU'RE A FREAKING SOLIDER! WOOO!".

    "WOOO", I yell back. We sit on my bed talking about how cool yet scary it's going to be. But Gale has been through some of the most intense things, I worry about him a lot. "Hey Gale?'. He looks over at me.

    "Ya?", he asks.

   "Promise me you'll always tell me if you feel sad?", I ask. He smiles.

   "Alli, whenever I feel sad I'll come to you. And when I'm not sad, I'll come to you. When I'm pissed, I'll come to you. And when I need a hug or I need punched, I'll come to you", he replies. I smile widely and he hugs me. "They promoted me to be your protector. To protect you because they believe you'll hold us together. But in all honesty, I think you're protecting me".

   "From what?", I ask, pulling away to look at him.

   "From going into the dark place I was before. You're my.. what did you call it?", he asks, then smiles. "You're my rainbow". I smile and hug him tightly. Then we go back to taking about random stuff.

Let me be your life changer ~A Hunger games fanfiction~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora