Chapter 6

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I wake up in a room. I look around and try to move but find that I'm tied to a chair. I hear someone chuckle and I look around the room. There's nothing in it. I see a door but nothing else. It's just a small concrete room with a chair in it. And apparently someone who wants to kill me. Yay.

"Alison Jane Callihan", someone says. I look over at the door, suprised that someone can be in here and be so un seen. "The one who has so simply captured every person in D13's hear. I don't know how you did it without offering them something, but you have. And I plan on using that to my advantage". I take a long look at his face. He looks a bit older than me and he looks nothing like the ones from the capitol, though I'm sure that's were I am. He has tattoos up and down his arms and a piercing above his right eyebrow. He also has a silver lip ringing in the corner of his mouth.

"This may be a long shot but, can you let me go? I promise not to give away your hiding spot or what you look like or how pretty your green eyes are. K?", I say, still as stubborn as if I wasn't tied in a chair. He gazes at me. Probably because I called his eyes pretty but no one got anywhere by just begging to be let out. He just stares at me and crosses his arms.

"What do you know about Katniss Everedeen?", he says, still staring at me, like he's trying so desperately to figure me out. "I'm sure they showed you at least something. You know something and you're trying act cute or pretty so I won't see through your crap. Let me tell you sweet heart, it might work on your friends in the District but it won't work on me".

"I'm not trying to act cute or pretty. I know what I think about katniss. I think she's stuck up and I think she's using Gale Hawthorne for something that isn't clear to me. She's holding him by the heart and it makes me mad". It all comes rushing out of my mouth before I can stop myself. I meet the strangers eyes and an amused expression crosses his face and I blush.

"Is that what you think about her, hm?", he asks. I nod slowly. "Well you're useless. I thought you might have something against her. You don't. You're just a skinny little hopeless thing they use to keep Gale's mind focused". He comes over to me and undoes the ropes on my hands and feet. "I'll lead you out". He smirks at me and I shake my head.

"That's it?", I ask. He nods his head. "You're not gonna ask if I know anything but the rescue team that they sent out to find Peeta Mellark?". He laughs lightly, catching my bluff. I groan and start to walk out.

"Wait", he says. "I wanna see how long it takes them to come searching for you. Come along now, you have nothing better to do". He puts a hand on my back and leads me out of the room. We walk into what looks like a military base. Someone people just keep looking forward, others, mostly young boys or young girls turn to look at me, smirking as they walk by. "Ignore them. Soon enough they'll all die anyway". I gasp and stop in my tracks.

"Keep a hold on that girl, would ya Malachi?", an attracitve blonde guy says, walking towards us. I don't move. "Pretty girl ya got there. I didn't think she'd have much to say but apparently she does, if you're taking her somewhere. What's your story?".

"She doesn't have anything to say. Her story is unknown and I really don't give a shit about it. All I wanna know is how really useful she is to Coin and Katniss and the rest of the team. That's why we're holding her here and seeing how long it takes until they come looking for her. It should be interesting", Malachi says.

"I could keep her company", the blonde says, winking at me. I feel a blush rise on my face and do my best to hide it. Malachi rolls his eyes and walks away, leaving me with the tall blonde. "I'm Matthew. I'm a soldier but I'm one of the ones they need. Ya see, Malachi is my cousin. And Malachi is President Snow's son, hince the evil. So, I'm family. You'll be safe with me". I just stare at him. Malachi is Snow's son? How am I so important to him? If that's all they wanted to know, why wouldn't they send someone who wasn't as important, and not as important as the son.

Matthew and I start walking and a woman, maybe in her thirties with short brown hair walks up to us. She has the clothes of a buisness woman. A long sleeve white dress shirt and a black pencil skirt. And to complete the look, she has a binder to her chest. "Becca! How's my favorite.. whatever you do?", Matthew greets. She doesn't return his smile.

"She's Malachi's responsibility. He asked to take the job and we let him. So what're you doing with her?', She asks.

"Wait, why did Malachi Snow ask to take the job of interrogating me?", I ask.

"Malachi Snow has had his eye on you for quite a while. Not in the spy type way either", she says. Then I know what she means.

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