Chapter 9

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I walk down a long corridor with Katniss.  We walk into the room where the other soldiers are. As soon as Coin says my name, Gale's eyes dart towards me. I meet his stare, not showing any emotion.

"What the hell is this? Soldlier Aj was told she would never go into battle! This is against the rules that you made yourself!", Gale says to Coin. She explains the plans to all of the soldiers, ignoring Gale's cries.

I hear Gale scoff and turn towards him. "Soldier Hawthore, I AM going to the capitol. You don't need to be concerned. I'm a girl, I can handle this myself, I don't need your thoughts on the situation, considering we don't even have a situation, thanks", I reply back to him. He just looks at me.

"Soldier Hawthorne", Katniss scolds. "Soldier AJ can handle herself, you can stop worrying. Like Coin said, Malachi likes her. Malachi hates everyone and anyone who has ever crossed him has been killed. But not Aj, and there has to be a reason for that". Coin nods her head in agreement but my eyes keep locked on Gale.

Beetee wheels himself into the room. "Hello everyone. Let's just get down to what needs to happen. Aj is going to show up in the capitol, alone, while everyone else stays on the hovercraft, waiting for Aj to give the call", he says. Gale shakes his head. "Is there a problem, Gale?".

"You bet your ass there's a problem! How do we know that Alli won't get hurt during this? How do we know that Malachi isn't just using her against us? It's possible and could be the worst thing to happen", he says. I look away, trying to hide my smile. The one who rescued me from the capitol the first time notices and wiggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes but smile back.

"Actually, the worst thing to happen is if Katniss gets attacked. I'm not saying Soldier Aj isn't a priority but she isn't our main one", Coin replies. Finally getting that none of us are backing down, Gale shakes his head and walks to the other side of the room. "So it's settled".

It only takes fifteen minutes for all of us to gather our things and get in the hovercraft. I'm placed in the small one that doesn't have all of the equipment in them. I look over and see a girl and boy I don't know. "Hey, I'm Aj", I say. They just look at me. "Right, we're all rude here. Got it".

They turn their heads so I decide to stop trying. The hovercraft lands moments later and the door opens. When I look out I see that we're miles away from Snow's mansion. "Are we walking?", I ask. The boy stands and nods, grabbing my arm.

"Come on, we have to hurry. We only have a few moments and I can't get caught. We have to run", he says. So that's what we do, we run until we arrive, then he runs back, leaving me all alone in my sad and pathetic red dress. They thought I should look half way decent.

I sigh and before I can take another step, I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Matthew. "What are you doing here?", he asks. I take a moment to look at him. His clothes are tattered and his hair is a mess. He notices me looking. "Malachi kicked me out, I- I don't know why". I give him an apologetic smile before the door before me opens.

Malachi steps forward and looks straight at Matthew. "We don't accept mutts, sorry", he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me in with him. "Don't look at anyone, don't talk to anyone, and don't even glance at anyone". I do as I'm told as he leads me to a room.

It's huge. It has a tv on the wall, a king size bed, and a bunch of other high tech stuff. "This is my bedroom, here you'll be safe while you tell me what the hell you're doing here", he says. I take a step forward.

"What else would I be doing her, Malachi?", I ask, coming closer to him so we're almost touching. His eyes don't leave mine as I put a hand on his cheek. He lowers his head a bit to look at the ground.

He then looks up and throws me a crossed the room. I grunt as I hit the wall. "You're full of shit. I know you're here to distract me. I am so much smarter than them, Alison. So much smarted", he says. I stand and brush myself off.

I put a hand behind my back and grab the device with the red button. The button indicates that its time ot move. I press the button, then the gun shots fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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