Chapter 8

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I walk through the halls on Disctrict 13 and stare at nothing. I just walk. If I'm not a priority, I won't be anything. So, that's exactly what I'm going to tell Coin. I walk to the small office in one of the hallways and I knock on the door. A young boy appears at the door. I step back a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you", he says. I give him a small smile. "Oh, it's okay. I'm naturally scared by anything", I reply. He returns my smile. "I was looking for President Coin, is she here?". He shakes his head. "Do you know where I might find her?". "She said something about another meeting with the soldiers. I'm surprised you aren't with them, I thought you were a soldier", he replies curiously. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm sure she'll be back soon". "No, I think she got the point of what I was going to say anyway", I reply. He gives me a sad nod. "Hey, do you maybe wanna go get something to eat from the lunch hall? It'll be fun". He smiles and nods, coming out of the door and locking it behind him. We walk together to the lunch hall and get our lunch. He sits down at a table with two other older boys and I sit down with him. "I see you made a friend, Justin", one of them says. He may be 19, maybe 20. I smile at him and nod my head. "Well, it's nice to actually meet you, Soldier Aj". "Please, just call me Aj, I'm not professional, or even important", I reply. He looks at me with surprise and I stuff a bread roll in my mouth awkwardly. I eat and then finally say something. "So, Justin, how old are you?". He swallows his food and looks at me. "I'm 14", he replies. I nod my head in understanding. "How old are you?" I tell him I'm 16 and he nods. "Cool, by the way, is is true you were captured by the capitol? Did you see Peeta?". "Um, yes, it is true. But no, I didn't see Peeta. I'm sure if I did, they would have me killed. So I'm glad I didn't see him. But I did meet President Snow's son", I reply. Everyone at the table looks at me with anticipation. "Woah, you really met Malachi? I heard he's like, 100 times worse than Snow ever thought about being!", the older younger boy says. He might be 17, at the most. Curly hair and pretty teeth, but not my type. I shrug. "Yeah he was really rude. But he didn't talk about wanting anyone to die or anything like that, not like his dad does, at least", I reply. They all shrug. "So, who are you guys?". The oldest speaks up. "I'm Ashton", he says. He points to the curly one. "That's Charles, and of course you know Justin". I nod my head and smile lightly. "I work in shelter part of this place. Charles works in the kitchen, and Justin is basically the one who does crap for Coin. Like, get her what she needs. Paper and stuff. It's like he's her assistant". "You don't sound too pleased about that", I say. He laughs lightly and shakes his head. "Yeah, you're right. He isn't pleases about that because I have a better job than him", Justin says. I prepare for the brother fight that is bound to happen. Ashton starts to reply, but a motion in the cafeteria hall stops us. The mockingjay soldiers all storm in and get there food, then sit down with Katniss. Gale sitting right beside her. I quickly look away and Charles notices. "Are you okay Aj?", he asks. I nod my head and stand up. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later, save me a seat tomorrow", I rush off, leaving my tray on the table. I run in the direction of my "room", but I run straight into somoene. I fly backwards and hit my head on the ground. "Jesus kid, what the hell are you running from?", I hear Haymitch's voice ask. I groan and slowly get up. "Katniss would have sit there for 20 minutes, demanding she be left alone. You alright?". "I'm not Katniss", I say harshly. I push past him and walk to my room once again. I get there and go inside, slamming the door as I do. I sit on the bed and play with my fingers. I allow the tears to slip for a while. I lay back and stare up at the ceiling. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in", I say. The door comes open and Katniss herself stands there. I sit up quickly and look at her. "Hello". "Gale and a couple of the other soldiers are leaving for the capitol tomorrow. I wanted to talk to you about a plan I have", she says. I motion for her to come in and close the door. She does and I pull her up a seat. "I want you to know that you're insanely important to all of us. I should have came and got you myself. But they wouldn't let me. It was all Coin. I don't trust her and the only reason I'm working with her is because I want Peeta back", she replies. I nod my head. "Malachi kept you safe in the captiol, there's something about you. I know there is. So, here's what I was thinking. Are you okay with being a distraction?", she asks. I nod my head. "I need you to swoop in there, acting as if you're in trouble. Malachi goes crazy, the guys swoop in, save Peeta, then we get you and get the hell out of there". I smile. "You're a genius! But what if they leave me? When they find out Peeta is gone and I'm still there, they'll kill me", I say. Katniss shakes her head and promises they'll get me. We talk more, and then she leaves. I lay on my back and smile up at the ceiling. I still might be important.

Let me be your life changer ~A Hunger games fanfiction~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن