The Villain

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      A late Monday afternoon leisurely drifts below me as people return to their homes after a hard day’s work. Cars the size of ants race below my feet, some skidding as they pause at the occasional red light, others pulsing with bass of music. The wind blows lightly and tickles my nose with the scents of city life. My heart swells as I look down upon this place I have come to care deeply about. The place where I learned who and what I was.

     The stone pillars beneath my feet have chilled in the shadows of the ending daylight. I stand precariously on the edge of one and let the breeze flow past me and tussle my ponytail. I feel so happy here, looking down on my beloved city. I feel complete for the first time in my life. A contented purr rises in my throat and I sit down to dangle my feet, swinging them like a child. 

     Everything is so new. I just learned of my powers, I’ve been freed from the shackles of childhood… Life is great. 

     I turn my eyes upward, praying to whomever lives in the sky. Please don’t let anything change. I love this life, even when it gets hard. Being complete is an okay price to pay for being homeless. 

     The breeze changes direction and a sweet smell wafts into my nose. I at first think it’s a bakery, with the sweet, almost doughy scent drawing me towards it. I take a moment to breathe in before I free fall off of the skyscraper. I spin in the air before spreading myself out and using my tail for balance. The ground barrels toward me and for a moment, I think I’m going to die. Of course, just as any cat, I land on my feet. The hard part is conducting the force I just hit the ground with into enough electricity to power up the downtown area.      

     Children exclaim in awe as lights go from a dull yellow to a shocking white light, illuminating their wide eyes. 

     I disappear before they can see me, slinking into the shadows and still smelling the intoxicating scent. It’s so smooth and it makes my chest buzz with warmth. I lean against the wall happily listening to the sounds of the streets. 

     The pager on my hip starts flashing and vibrating, warning me that there’s a need for me somewhere in the city. My heart starts pounding and my tail swishes anxiously. I just got this pager for serious crime calls but it hasn’t rung since the fire that happened a month ago. Discomfort fills my body and my heart aches. 
I pull it out of my bottomless satchel and sigh; finding the source of that aroma will have to wait. The red dots spell out a word,


     ‘Concentrate!’ I tell myself. ‘Focus your attention on morphing. Get loose. Feel the change in your body.’ 



     I slowly open my eyes to see I’m much closer to the ground than I remember, and my senses are sharper. No time to dwell though, I’ve got a mission: my very first real mission. I’ve dealt with petty crimes and mild criminals but all of that changes today. The museum is in chaos due to a theft happening right now at this very moment. And it’s my job to find and neutralize the antagonist. 

     Little did I know...

     My sleek midnight pelt shines in the rare moments I spend outside of shadows and in view of others. My paws tingle with nervous excitement and I have to take deep breaths to prevent myself from short circuiting any nearby fuse boxes. The electricity stays inside, giving me a sudden burst of energy as I dart out of the shadows and onto the downtown sidewalk, leap onto a moving car's roof and land daintily on the opposite side of the street. A few people try to scoop me up but I use my lithe, silky fur to slip just under and in between all of the reaching hands. 

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