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"I'm telling you, man! I-I swear the last time I saw her was at the City Hall Ceremony! I didn't see where she went!"

Khaotics sighed and gave the man a patient smile. "Take your time. We can wait all night. But I would advise you to think harder." He surged forward and slammed the man against a wall. "Unless..." He let magic dance on his fingertips, quickly changing from flames to electricity to dark matter.

The man's eyes widened and Khaotics shut his eyes for a moment, feeling rage beyond even his comprehension fill every iota of his being.

The man fiddled in the villains arms, becoming aware of more presences around the dark alleyway, noting that the longer he stayed quiet, the more... Twisted things seemed to become. He felt haunted. His skin crawled with horror and anxiety as things seemed to waver like smoke and mirror images. His stomach clenched when he made eye contact with Khaotics and saw endless fury, murderous intent lacing his expression. "I'm going to ask you again..." He started, squeezing his throat.

"WAIT! Wait!" He gasped as he was suddenly released. Slowly, reality seeped back into place. "Look, the last glimpse of her I got was headed toward the skyline, you- you know? The one with the big scraper, yeah?"

Khaotics turned away without even aknowledging the man whatsoever. He knew where he needed to go, and he had no need for the ignorant powerless human any longer.

"You okay, boss? You look tense."

"Herald have you ever wondered what it's like to disintegrate atom by atom?"

"Noted. Sorry, boss. Did you find out where she last was?"

"SHUT UP!" Khaotics shouted, staring Herald dead in the eyes. "Just because you're helping me and you're the only one who... knows, doesn't mean I won't kill you dead, right here right now. I suggest you shut your mouth before you're dead."

Heralds eyes widened and he nodded once. "I know you want to find her."

He ignored the henchman simply out of discomfort and opened a portal. "Come with me. She may have been here."

Warm, calm winds greeted the two men as they stepped out of the portal. The flag attached to the building fluttered softly in the breeze. The night sky was beautiful. Stars littered every inch of it, and the moon shone like a second sun over the rooftop.

Khaotics didn't notice.

He was concentrating deeply.

She was here. He could feel it. He closed his eyes, letting his mind follow his heightened senses guide him towards the edge of the building.

There it was. Still lightly blowing on the wind, Tigress' scent. It filled him with awkward relief to know she was here, but there were older traces of her here as well. She must come here often.

He ran his finger over his chin, contemplating what exactly had happened here.

There was an odd sense of danger lingering. But it was faint and not at all recent by a few days. It did, however, mix into Tigress' smell and abruptly collide into one.

He felt her fear for a moment and his throat seized in panic.

She didn't just disappear. He knew that for sure now.

She was attacked and kidnapped.

"Hey, uh, Khaotics?" Herald sounded grave.

The man turned to face his lesser, furious at him using his name. "And who exactly do you... What? What's wrong?"

Herald shook his head covered his mouth.

"Herald spit it out! I don't have time for this!"

Herald still said nothing, but opened the palm of his hand to show his boss a small pendant from Tigress' collar, flashing red.

Tigress and Khaotics: TEST SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now