Battle Wounds

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Khaotics winced as Herald pressed a cloth doused in hydrogen peroxide to his chest. "Dammit Herald I don't need to be babied. I can heal myself you fucking idiot."

"Now, Boss," Herald scolded. "That's no way to talk to your nurse. Besides, you don't have enough life force to regenerate. You need to rest and I don't want this to get infected when you sweat and stuff." He shook his head and poured more peroxide on the dampened rag.

"FUCK!" He roared. "Fuck you and your hydrogen peroxide, Herald. This is why I should have never gotten distracted with her. She's a sorcerer of some sort. She's lying." He mumbled to himself.

"What makes you say that?" His henchmen said boredly. He was starting to get sick of listening to this story.

"She turned into a shadow cat. And not a normal house cat, I mean a fucking demon lion that freezes you with fear."

"Wow, a shadow lion. Cool."

"No, not cool. I have NEVER frozen up. But when I saw her as that... That monster, I just." He inhaled as he was re-bandaged. "No matter. I need to prepare myself for the next battle. Leave me."


"Get lost or get murdered, Herald."

"Of course."

Herald scurried out and locked the door behind him. As soon as the man left, he groaned.

Why was she so fucking sexy?


Tigress wailed as she pressed her stolen ice pack onto her collarbone. She didn't remember being kicked so hard, but it was hard enough to leave a visible bruise on her dark skin.

She had barely slept since the fight. Her body throbbed with anxiety and power every minute of every hour. She couldn't stand it. She couldn't even turn back into a cat, because transforming hurt so badly.

She laid back and stared up at the sky, smoky with the city lights, devoid of stars. She could still feel the darkness coursing through her bones, throbbing and pulsing like electricity.

Her nausea had gotten better, but she was still mildly dizzy from it all. What all had even happened? She remembered being electrocuted harder than he ever had. She remembered collapsing... But that was it.

She needed Tylenol or something to dull the pain that seemed to spread with every shaky inhale.

"You look terrible." Came a cheerful voice behind her.

"Ugh, come to finish me off?" Tigress turned to see Herald for the first time since the first battle. He was a little plumper, and just as facially expressive as usual. His choppy brunette hair was sticking up at every angle, which normally would have made her laugh under different circumstances. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been sent to retrieve you, Hero!"

"Uhm, how are you going to to that?" Tigress smirked. Sometimes she could only laugh at purebreds. They were so gullible. If a movie told them everyone has their own superpower, you'd catch them like Herald. Overly confident and yet, still weak.

Herald cracked his knuckles and approached her. Tigress looked on with minimal interest, kinda half hoping he'd kill her so she could regenerate in her 3rd life.

Instead of killing her, he gripped her shoulder and shoved it back into the socket.

"STARS that hurt, you dolt!!!" She tried to unsheathe her claws only to barely nic his skin.

"Aw, poor Tigress, no worries. I'm only going to help you heal, Khaotics hates an unfair fight. Besides, he's been rambling about some imaginary shadow beast."

Tigress groaned as her head pulsed again. "Not imaginary. Very real."

"Well then! He's not completely delerious!" He chuckled and ripped a hole in the air, touched her nose with his index and watched her dissolve and get sucked into the continuum. He sighed as he heard the two begin arguing about the fight. "I don't get paid enough for this." He sighed.

The arguing only became louder until the two of them howled in pain.

Herald rushed through the portal to see them entangled and both gripping their wounds.

No, he definitely didn't get pain enough for this.

Or at all.

Tigress and Khaotics: TEST SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now