CH17 Baby Groot

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We were at the Nova Core where we were healed and informed.

"You're half human half Terran",said the woman as Peter was amazed. A Terran was something rare. I didn't realize that I too was one.

Rocket came in with a pot with the remain of Groot. He was smiling. I've never seen him this happy before. I could tell it was good new too.

"Hey, Rocket", I waved at him. "What's that?"

"They told me Groot's gonna grow back",he said gingerly. "But slowly"

"Is it like a baby Groot?",I smirked placing my hand on my hips. He nodded. That's like so amazing to hear!", I squealed.

"What relationship do have with him?",I asked.

"Like brothers who look after each other, you know",he replied. I smiled. They had a good connection. I heard baby Groot yawn.

"He's so adorable",I smiled.

Later we all went out so we could go back to The Milano. They did some few upgrades here and there and Peter also received a whole bag batteries for our Walkmans.

"Tried to keep it like the original",
smirked the guard who led us out. "Just promise you won't do anything bad"

"What if I",Drax began to think blood and gore right there I do not want to include.

Rocket then tried to make me smile. "What if I like it more than the person who had it?",he asked. He was good at holding in laughs.

Gamora lead Rocket to another direction away from the guard. "Hey, can't I have a conversation with this fine gentleman?"

"Don't worry I'll look after them",I heard Peter say to the guard.

"I know you will",nodded the guard. We all got in The Milano where we chilled for a while.

I went to my room to see Rocket laying on his back on my bed. He looked adorable.

"Hey",I spoke cooly. He got up.

"I'm still taking you some where",he smirked. Baby Groot was there dancing to 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' from Peter's tape.

"I know",I smiled at him. He was gazing at me. I sat next to him.

"So, what do you think we'll do next?",I asked him.

"Something stupid that has to be Peter's fault",he retorted. "I can handle anything though"

"Cool",I smiled at him. I was dumbfounded as Rocket caressed my face. He was standing on my lap as he did.

"Rocket?",I whispered. He placed a finger to my lips.

"You're gonna freak about this, but, oh well",he shrugged. He was nervous about saying something to me. Is it good or bad?!

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