Sick Paul

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Paul had come into the shop everyday for two weeks, and John was falling hard and fast. Every time they saw each other, John felt like he had found the missing piece to his puzzle, that he and Paul were meant to be together.

But Paul undoubtedly didn't feel the same. He kept asking about stupid fucking Ringo, if he was single, what his favourite things were.

Ringo kept trying to tell John that Paul was just a customer, but John wouldn't listen. He drove Paul home every night, and every time, Paul would say 'see you tomorrow, Johnny' and smile that stunning smile of his.

But today, something was different. It was five minutes till closing and Paul wasn't there. And John was panicking.

"What the fuck does he think see you tomorrow means?!" John ran a stressed hand through his hair. "What if he got hit by a car and his unconscious body is just sitting there?"

"John, calm down," Ringo rubbed John's back, "I'm sure he's fine."

John grabbed his keys and threw off his apron.

"Where the hell are you going?" Ringo asked as John raced out the door.

"Making sure Paul's okay!!"

A knot formed in John's stomach as he drove off to Paul's house.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," he groaned, "Or what if this is a false alarm and he just doesn't want to see me??? No- I don't think he'd do that. He said see you tomorrow!!!"

John got out of his car and ran towards the building. He froze. What if Paul just didn't want to see him??

He shook his head and rapped at the door marked 'Harrison & McCartney'.

A strange man a bit shorter than Paul opened the door, "Who are you and why are you here?"

"Paul- he's usually at the shop by now, he has been for the last two weeks and-"

The man sighed, "Come on in. Paul!! Your boyfriend from the coffee place is here!!!" He shouted. "He's in his room, just down the hall."

John raced down the hall to what he assumed was Paul's room. "Paulie?"

"John!!" Paul grinned weakly before going into a coughing fit. He looked absolutely terrible. His hair was wet with sweat and sticking to his forehead, his pallour was that of a ghost, his hands shook...

"Are you alright?!" John dropped to Paul's side.

Paul blew his nose loudly and smiled again, "It's just a bug, I'm fine."

"Thank fuck," John sighed in relief, "I was worried you died or something!! It's really dark and you always dress in dark clothes and you could've gotten hit by a bloody bus!!"

He giggled softly, his deathly pale nose scrunched up. "I'm gonna be fine Johnny." Paul grabbed John's hand and intertwined their fingers. Breath hitched in John's throat as Paul stroked the back of John's hand with his thumb. 

They were finally holding hands!!! Under terrible circumstances, but they were holding hands nonetheless.

"I hope you get better, love," John said quietly, "Can't have my mate dying on me."

Paul nodded solemnly and patted the space next to himself weakly. John blushed but crawled in next to him anyway.

The pain medicine must've been going to his head, given the fact that Paul immediately buried his face in John's shoulder.

John ran a tentative hand through Paul's hair, feeling incredibly awkward. The awkwardness was a mixture of the fact that John had a massive crush on Paul and partially because he'd only known Paul for a week or so.

Paul made a small sound of content and buried his face into John's chest even more.

Pretty soon, an hour had passed and John needed to get home. He gently unwrapped himself from Paul and tried to wiggle out of his grasp, accidentally waking him up. "Where are you going?" He asked, distraught.

"I gotta go home, love," John chuckled softly, his heart breaking a little bit. "Go back to sleep."

"If I'm not better tomorrow, will you come see me again?" Paul asked quietly, his voice hoarse as he reached for John's hand.

"Of course," John said quietly, squeezing Paul's hand as the sick man drifted off to sleep.

John stood up. He brushed the hair out of Paul's eyes and gently kissed the back of his hand.

"Bye Paulie, see you tomorrow..."

Paul's roommate was sitting on the couch scrolling through tiktok. He glanced up at John. "What's your deal then, John. Paul talks about you a lot."

John grinned, "Paul's my friend. He's been at the shop everyday for two weeks and I always drive him home."

"George Harrison," he held out a hand.

"Oh you're George! You're Paul's overprotective best friend that plays guitar!!"

George grumbled, "I'm not overprotective..."

John chuckled lightly, "Sure you're not."

"I'm coming with Paul tomorrow if he feels up to going places," George said firmly. "I don't want him to walk there by himself. And I want to meet your coworker. Paul said he's cute."

"Ringo? Yeah I guess so," John shrugged, a rush of jealousy shooting through him at the fact that Paul said Ringo was cute.

"Bye John."

"Bye George." John spoke quieter, "Bye Paul..."

This ones a bit shorter, sorry
I've already written up to chapter six :)

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