Everyone Knows John and Paul Love Eachother Except for John and Paul

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John was in love with Paul, in case anyone forgot. He was so in love with him that it nearly hurt to be around. But, now John knew that Paul loved him back and felt the same way... but he still didn't know what to do.

If he told Paul how he felt, then that meant a relationship, which is sort of what John wanted, but it might end horribly and then he would lose his best friend as well as his lover.

If he didn't tell Paul how he felt... well it would basically just be a lifetime of pining and being heart achingly in love with someone who doesn't know you love them.

John loved Paul with his whole heart. He needed him more than he had ever needed another person.

So obviously he wasn't going to tell him how he felt.

How would he even go about doing so? Write him a letter? Tell him in person? Make up a speech? Ask him out on an official date?


A few blocks away, Paul was having a similar quandary of being deeply in love with John. Except he didn't know that John loved him back.

"Hey Geo!" Paul shouted to his roommate/best friend.

George, toothbrush in his mouth, grunted in response.

"I need your advice on something."

He spit the toothpaste into the sink, wiped his face, and walked over to where Paul was sitting, "Is it about John?"

"Of course it's about John," Paul sighed and melted into the couch, "I love him so much Geo. He's consumed every one of my thoughts. He's the first thing that I think about when I wake up and the last before I sleep. I get butterflies every time he's around... not even butterflies, full on birds flapping around in my stomach. I just don't know what to do.

"Jeez, you really do love him," George chuckled.

"That's what I've been saying!!" Paul threw his hands up in the air with a groan.

"Text him then. Ask him out. Or at least invite him over here for movie night."

"Movie night's tonight??"

George shrugged, "It can be, and then you can just cuddle up to your man."

"He kissed me the other night," Paul blurted. "It was when I was pissed at him and I grabbed the collar of his shirt and he just kissed me. Then he said we should talk about it and I was an absolute dick and I just left."

"So you're telling me that he kissed you, on his own volition, wanted to talk about it and probably do it again, and you're still wondering if he has feelings for you?!"

Paul shrugged, "I guess."

"Spoiler alert, he definitely does, Ritchie told me so."

"How'd you tell Ringo that you liked him?"

George shrugged, his cheeks turning pink, "You shoved me into him and we went to go and talk in the back cause he was still working, and I put my hand on his shoulder while he was doing whatever, and he turned and looked at me and then we just started snogging."

"And now you're dating?"

"Dating's a strong word... We haven't talked about what we are."

Paul hummed in response, still thinking about John and his big hands and beautiful eyes and soft hair... and adorable smile... and how warm he was... "I'm gonna invite John to movie night and you should invite Ringo."

"We're watching Titanic, by the way," George grinned. "You'll have John clinging to you all night like you're his emotional support animal."

Paul blushed at the thought. He grabbed his phone and called his Johnny.

"Hey John!"

"Macca! Hi!"

Fighting off a smile, Paul began telling John, "Geo and I are having a movie night tonight and uh, I was wondering if you wanna come? It's just gonna be us and Geo and maybe Ringo."

"Yeah I'd love to go! I just have to finish this art project for class real fast, it should only take me a few more hours."

"See you at 6?"

Paul could practically hear John's smile, "6 is great! See you then Macca! Love you, bye!"

Paul froze, "Love you too, Johnny, ta!" And with that he hung up the phone, his face burning red.

George sat there laughing, "Did he say he loved you?!"

Paul nodded dumbly.

"And you said it back," he smirked.

Paul nodded again slowly.

Meanwhile, John was in his apartment painting.

"See you then Macca! Love you! Bye!" He grinned before realising what he had said. All of his blood turned cold and he felt like he was going to die in those few seconds where Paul didn't say anything.

"Love you too, Johnny, ta!" John heard sniggering in the background before Paul hung up the phone and felt more embarrassed than he had ever been.

Why on Earth would he say that?! John went back to flinging paint on the canvas, lamenting how Paul hesitated.

He just had to wait a few more hours.

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